David Thayer Ice Cream
My friend, Lisa Salvaggio, recently went to England with her older daughter, Taylor. They spotted the David Thayer Ice Cream shoppe in Bath while on a side trip there. Lisa had to send me a photo of the shoppe.
Bob and I had spotted this shoppe on a long ago earlier visit we took to Bath. David Thayer is the name of our older son so quite the coincidence for us. The ice cream shoppe is still in business which is lovely to see.
A look at David Thayer's Ice Cream.

Bob and I had spotted this shoppe on a long ago earlier visit we took to Bath. David Thayer is the name of our older son so quite the coincidence for us. The ice cream shoppe is still in business which is lovely to see.
A look at David Thayer's Ice Cream.

Happy Father's Day 2024
16/06/24 10:50 Filed in: Family
From the year 2017 and a return trip from Moscow, ID from niece Kimberly Thayer's wedding, we stopped at the Columbia Gorge Museum in The Dalles, OR to let the grandsons have a break from the car.
I took a photo of Bob as PaPa, and David (Nicolas, Ryan, and Jesse), along with Scott (later Dad to Vada and Victoria) at the entrance to the museum. Here is the collection of Dads in our family.

I took a photo of Bob as PaPa, and David (Nicolas, Ryan, and Jesse), along with Scott (later Dad to Vada and Victoria) at the entrance to the museum. Here is the collection of Dads in our family.

The Next Few Days
08/03/22 10:19 Filed in: Family
Later this afternoon we will be setting out for travel by plane and car we haven't done for almost 2.5 years. The pandemic has had its impact on seeing new places or getting together.
We will be flying through Seattle early tomorrow morning to Minneapolis then rent a car to drive to Aberdeen, SD. This allows us not to sit in an airport for hours with masks and we can then also see what the countryside looks like in western Minnesota and eastern South Dakota.
It will be so nice to see David, Renee, Nicolas, Ryan, and Jessie. A bunch of boy hugs will mean a lot to us. It will be hard to say how long before we will be back there again.
We will be flying through Seattle early tomorrow morning to Minneapolis then rent a car to drive to Aberdeen, SD. This allows us not to sit in an airport for hours with masks and we can then also see what the countryside looks like in western Minnesota and eastern South Dakota.
It will be so nice to see David, Renee, Nicolas, Ryan, and Jessie. A bunch of boy hugs will mean a lot to us. It will be hard to say how long before we will be back there again.
Happy Ryan
16/07/20 06:59 Filed in: Family
Ryan's got his tractor love going lately. Between the swing set with lots of swinging and wanting to drive the lawn tractor himself, he is a happy boy this summer (as long as he gets his way, if not, then he pouts). In this he got to act like he was going for a drive.

Vada and First Tractor Ride
13/07/20 06:27 Filed in: Family
Tractor Fascination
12/07/20 06:21 Filed in: Family
When the grandkids gather, it seems that they are fascinated with getting their tractor rides. On the big John Deere tractor or more often, the John Deere lawn mowing tractor. Getting rides with PaPa on his lap or in the trailer pulled behind. Ryan is especially focused on tractor rides and now Vada wants to check it out. She went from nervous due to the noise to let's get this going because we can't let our cousins do more than she can.

Ryan Loves His Fruit
28/10/16 13:53 Filed in: Family
Ryan loves to eat strawberries and most any kind of fruit. Here he is trying to get the strawberries from David's fruit drink at the Red Robin birthday party.

Jesse's Ready
27/10/16 13:51 Filed in: Family
Scott and Halloween
30/10/16 12:56 Filed in: Family
Red Robin Party
29/10/16 16:53 Filed in: Family
The Lewis clan and the older Thayers got together with David's crew to celebrate David's birthday at Red Robin (two days late). It was a raucous and boisterous bunch for lunch.

Nicolas and Bob the Builder
31/10/16 12:50 Filed in: Family
Nicolas is ready to go out for Halloween trick or treating in his Bob the Builder costume. He built his own mailbox.

Nicolas' Apple Tree
26/09/16 12:12 Filed in: Family
We went to an Oregon Farm Day a few years ago with David and Renee and the boys. There were free plants and Nicolas received a free apple tree for planting that was probably only 6-8 inches tall at the most. Here is a comparison of growth from 2014 to now with Nicolas and also the tree.

Firepit Season
24/09/16 15:19 Filed in: Family
The David Thayer family got their fire pit loaded with wood and had a nice sit around the fire get together. There were lots of cute selfies with some boys but here is a photo of the fire in the dark of the evening. Wish we could have one out here.

Scott's Firepit First Phase
17/09/16 16:07 Filed in: Family
Scott and Bob work on the fire pit and surrounding patio today. Here is an example of the first phase of the patio. There will need to be more stones placed to fill in the corners.

Jesse and Dervish
10/09/16 15:36 Filed in: Family
Ryan and Jesse came to stay with us for a good portion of the afternoon and evening. Jesse is fascinated by Dervish and wants to pet and kiss him all the time. Dervish is such a good dog with it all. Here is a close kiss.

Apples Nibbled
08/09/16 15:23 Filed in: Family
Ryan likes to take our beautiful large Honeycrisp apples and nibble around the middle where they aren't as edible for others.

Spider, Spider
04/09/16 14:46 Filed in: Family
It is well known that Scott does not like spiders. He had the nickname by Mr. Corrigan of being called "Spider-boy". I had to take this photo of a large spider in a nest hanging on our glass railing for him.

Ryan and Trains
02/09/16 20:35 Filed in: Family
We got to babysit Ryan today for part of the day since Nicolas was in school and Jesse was sick with a fever (probably teething). Ryan was so cute of running up and hugging Papa Bob on the leg and saying, "I love you". Ryan loves trains so while he was in his car seat saying, "I behind you, Papa", we had to stop for the Albany and Eastern train to cross in front of us. Ryan got a treat.

Jesse and Papa Bob
14/08/16 10:12 Filed in: Family
Here is a cute one of Jesse having fun with Papa Bob on the "new" sofa at his new home. He is a smiley puss.

Scott's Walkup
18/08/16 09:58 Filed in: Family
Scott has gotten his house pretty well painted, new light out from and the newer screen door on. He just needs to finish the foundation around the sides and back. Too bad water is so costly to water the garden and lawn.

Cake for Jesse
16/08/16 09:45 Filed in: Family
Mom went all out and made a gummy bear cake for her little gummy bear, Jesse. He looks pretty comfy here in his little chair.

Jesse's Pizza Party
15/08/16 21:40 Filed in: Family
Jesse's more official birthday party with the rest of the family was this evening. Pizza and cake. We got to stop by after Bob's procedure at the Lebanon hospital.

Jesse First Birthday
13/08/16 09:33 Filed in: Family
Today is Jesse's first birthday and he got to have some bacon and his own colorful pancakes. Here he is enjoying a bite with Mr. Ryan eating right alongside him.

Moving Day
06/08/16 21:14 Filed in: Family
Today was moving day for David and Renee. We rented a UHaul truck and got pretty much everything from the place on Denny School Rd. and their storage over to the new house. Here is Jesse getting ready to go to move.

House Painting
01/08/16 09:07 Filed in: Family
In the midst of surgery and all of this, Scott and his friends Deanna and Dan have been painting his house. Here is an example of the front walkway and the new colors of the house. The foundation needs painting since they got a lot of green before on it and it doesn't go with his house color.

Jesse Too
24/07/16 16:33 Filed in: Family
What a cutie! He is at that very curious and I am going to get into everything phase Ryan (all babies seem to) went through.

23/07/16 16:30 Filed in: Family
While out visiting today, Jesse is showing he is standing and close to walking. While he is at it, he feels the place needs a good dusting.

One Big Appetite
25/06/16 10:56 Filed in: Family
PaPa does a great job with taking care of his boys. When Jesse got hungry after exploring the house, he finished off one jar of squash fast and was very upset there wasn't more food right there and PaPa had to get more. He does like to eat and makes it a task that he tackles matter of factly and finished.

Jesse The Mimic
24/06/16 22:53 Filed in: Family
One reason I said Jesse was a mimic is that he enjoys mimicking actions of his brothers. Ryan likes to chase the grandparents with the fly swatter. Jesse likes to wave it at us too.

Watermelon Boy
03/06/16 10:41 Filed in: Family
Ryan does love his watermelon and fruit to eat. Here he is eating a wedge of melon while watching TV. Ah, the life!

Birthday Cake
31/05/16 08:55 Filed in: Family
Nicolas had an Odd Squad birthday this time around. His cake was purple which is his favorite color and had the Odd Squad badge on top. Here he is blowing out the candle.

Nicolas' Ninth
30/05/16 20:42 Filed in: Family
We celebrated Nicolas' ninth birthday this afternoon at David and Renee's. The family was present and had BBQ, chips, fruit and cake. Nicolas of course enjoyed opening his presents.

Water Fights
04/06/16 20:39 Filed in: Family
Today was a very hot day for the first part of June. I had to drive to Sherwood for the Volunteers Brunch for Cat Adoption Team. The Strawberry Festival held their parade today and the afternoon was a second birthday party at Century Park for Nicolas. The kids were soaked with cold water using water pistols or water pumps. Ryan though he could just dunk his pistol in the water to fill it but he had a blast.

Ryan Turns Three
09/05/16 21:48 Filed in: Family
The big 3 came for Ryan and everyone gathered at David and Renee's home for the celebration. Ryan was hyped up with excitement and sugar. There were lots of presents to go around, along with cake and sugar.

The Strawberry Kid
20/05/16 20:23 Filed in: Family
The first strawberries of the season from our garden. We figured some urchins would love them for dinner as we went out to eat at Momiji's. The baby bird look.

Ryan Using Chopsticks
21/05/16 14:10 Filed in: Family
At Momiji's last night having sushi for dinner. Ryan trying out chopsticks on the strawberries we brought for the kids to eat.

Student of the Month
30/04/16 12:29 Filed in: Family
Nicolas got a Student of the Month Award yesterday at the grade school assembly. Most improved behavior for the month. Good for him. We attended and watched the awards. Nice little program. Interesting that the students learned to clap with applause just once for each award. It does keep the amount of time involved down. We should do it more often. Here is a history of why and when clapping started.

Happy Birthday Scott
05/04/16 20:15 Filed in: Family
Today Scott is 33 and has his own house. Proud of him doing all of this and getting his house in better appearance and working order. He has a pleasant place now and it will be better as he goes along.
A good place to be at 33 in this day and age with an economy that doesn't allow as many to get ahead as they did in past years.
We went out and had dinner at the 1847 Grill at the Boulders Inn. A good place for dinner and happy hour.
A good place to be at 33 in this day and age with an economy that doesn't allow as many to get ahead as they did in past years.
We went out and had dinner at the 1847 Grill at the Boulders Inn. A good place for dinner and happy hour.
Birthday Dinner
29/02/16 20:37 Filed in: Family
David and Renee hosted the Lewis and Thayer families at their place for chicken enchilada dinner with rice and beans on the side. Of course, birthday cake was available too. The kids/cousins all had fun playing and racing around the house. Jesse just looked at us like what is all the hub bub, Bub.
Breakfast With Family
20/02/16 11:26 Filed in: Family
David and Renee did one of their breakfasts with the family all invited. We hadn't seen the group for awhile so it was nice to spend time with the kids. Here is my Jesse time at the start.

Jesse Betrayed
03/02/16 06:23 Filed in: Family
Of course, Jesse went with Dad and Mom to the class. Doesn't he look betrayed kept from staying with his brothers and grandparents? He wanted to stay behind too.

Brudders Together
02/02/16 18:19 Filed in: Family
We were asked to kidsit late this afternoon and evening for Nicolas and Ryan while David and Renee had a class. They both came in and sat down together on a chair as buddies to watch the "Odd Squad". Quite a cute pair.

Scott's New House
04/01/16 11:18 Filed in: Family
Scott took possession of his new house last night. Here is a picture of it from the street. It is 1565 W. Oak St. in Lebanon.

Our Boys
31/12/15 11:58 Filed in: Family
We got a lovely present from David and Renee. Sandee and Bob got something similar but more photos and a photo blanket. Here is a canvas print of a nice photo of our three grandsons.

Tablet Toys
30/12/15 11:55 Filed in: Family
Ryan got a tablet type toy for Christmas. He seems to like to push the buttons and play along. He does know how to recognize his alphabet, numbers, colors, etc. He is a sharp boy.

Monopoly Winner
29/12/15 11:52 Filed in: Family
On the 26th, Bob and I watched the two boys while David and Renee had a "date night" with Jesse. Bob played a round of Monopoly with Nicolas. Nicolas had a great time and actually beat PaPa Bob. He was ecstatic to say the least.

David and Renee Together
28/12/15 11:49 Filed in: Family
Got a nice photo of David and Renee together at the time of Jesse's Dedication. With their arms around each other.

Jesse's Dedication Day
27/12/15 11:39 Filed in: Family
Jesse had his Dedication Ceremony at the Nazarene Church today. He was dressed up in a very new suit outfit. Looking spiffy.

Jesse's First Christmas
25/12/15 23:31 Filed in: Family
Christmas Day dinner at our house too. Prime Rib roast again, slowed cooked with rosemary and garlic. Yum. Scalloped potatoes too. Hard to beat it. Here is a photo of Jesse with Uncle Scott for his first Christmas.

Christmas Eve 2015
24/12/15 23:26 Filed in: Family
We had Christmas Eve at our house with pizza and salads with dips. The kids opened presents with us. Bob, Sandee, and Great Grandma Kay came to celebrate. Here is a good photo of Nicolas and Ryan in their Minion jammies.

Christmas At School
08/12/15 05:01 Filed in: Family
Nicolas had his Cascade Elementary school Christmas pageant last night. They broke the evening into two sections and we attended the second section. Unfortunately, Nicolas' class ended up on the other side of the stage from where we sat. We did not get the opportunity to see his class sing as well. Afterwards though Ryan seemed to feel the fake Christmas presents under the Christmas tree were his to try and take to open. Here is PaPa Bob rescuing the package from Ryan.

Ham Or A Dead Pig
07/12/15 04:57 Filed in: Family
Here is a bit of the holiday spread we had for dinner. The attractive spiral ham that Scott loves to have yet Nicolas does not. As he would say, "Who wants to eat dead pig?" I guess the rest of us do. 

Ryan Loves to Eat
06/12/15 04:53 Filed in: Family
Yesterday, we had a less than common gathering for dinner at the house. David and family will come to eat here but catching Scott available to join us is rare. I guess it was the ham dinner offering. He does love a good spiral cut ham to eat. Now Ryan, he likes to dig into Grandma's jello with lots of whipped cream.

Jesse At The Christmas Bazaar
05/12/15 16:45 Filed in: Family
Renee had a table at her church to sell her different items for Christmas. What a "crafty" person she is. Little Jesse was there to help but then had to dose off due to the heavy work load he had.

Jesse and a Friend
27/11/15 14:40 Filed in: Family
Jesse was Ooo'd and Ahh'd over at the Thanksgiving feast. Much like he should be. He did find a friend that I was able to snap a photo of.

Thanksgiving 2016
26/11/15 14:33 Filed in: Family
Some of the Lewises, Fouts, and Thayer families met at the gym building of the Church of the Nazarene to have a potluck Thanksgiving. It was close to 50-50 children and adults. The kids were having a lot of fun running around and playing with lots of small balls they threw at each other. There was lots of food and Ryan was caught enjoying some of the cranberry salad in a small cup. That kid loves to eat.

Samwich Partners
19/11/15 05:55 Filed in: Family
Do you think they are related? Do you think they like to eat their Samwiches? Maybe while glued to a TV show?

Brothers For Sale
08/11/15 11:39 Filed in: Family
Renee posted a cute photo online. This is from a recent photo shoot at Waterloo Park of the family. I doubt Ryan wanted to cooperate but Nicolas likes to be in photos. Maybe Ryan didn't want to be sold. Here is Nicolas offering up to sell Jesse how seems like "what's happening?"

Happy Jesse
03/11/15 10:24 Filed in: Family
David posted a photo today with Jesse in his carrier. A very happy boy and he is now responding by smiling when we interact with him. 12 weeks old now.

Breakfast with the Family
31/10/15 20:18 Filed in: Family
It starts that it is a dark and stormy night. It actually is a very dark and stormy night, rainy too, for Halloween. The newer version of Halloween, the movie, is on. It is Ok, blah. Not like the Jamie Lee Curtis version.
Part of the family went out to breakfast this morning at Korner Kitchen.
I was able to capture these photos.
David and Jesse

Ryan (with Jesse's cap) and Renee

Part of the family went out to breakfast this morning at Korner Kitchen.
I was able to capture these photos.
David and Jesse

Ryan (with Jesse's cap) and Renee

Happy Birthday, David
27/10/15 06:38 Filed in: Family
The boys seemed to be having fun while at the Pumpkin Patch playing with the plastic duck spillways. Nicolas and Ryan seemed to find a way to get very wet. David was getting into the action for awhile too.
Today is David's —th birthday, so Happy Birthday, son.

Today is David's —th birthday, so Happy Birthday, son.

Nathan and the Pumpkins
26/10/15 06:33 Filed in: Family
King of Straw Mountain
25/10/15 06:28 Filed in: Family
Ryan certainly liked getting up on the top of the big pile of straw and shouting. This was a great place to look and be bigger than everyone else.

Pumpkin Patch
24/10/15 18:23 Filed in: Family
The Lewises and Thayers headed out east of Albany to the Bose Pumpkin patch and maze. The kids had fun checking out the fun areas while other family members wandered the corn maze. Here is Ryan and his buddy, PaPa Bob, getting ready.

What a Pair
16/10/15 09:18 Filed in: Family
A cute photo Renee posted of Ryan and Jesse together. Ryan is like "let's get this over with, I'm bored" and Jesse is looking startled or "what are they having me do?". Fun picture.

Jungle Boy
10/10/15 11:56 Filed in: Family
The trail camera caught Ryan out helping PaPa get the trail camera card near the deer crossing. The area is overgrown with grass and brush so Ryan looks like a Jungle Boy.

Three Little Owl Hats
09/10/15 11:55 Filed in: Family
One of my favorite pictures of the boys. Renee ordered three owl hats for them to wear. Nicolas is a ham, Ryan thinks he has the best fashion statement, and Jesse looks hurt. I guess little Jesse was very tired right then. What a great photo!

A Ryan Day
08/10/15 16:40 Filed in: Family
We had Ryan stay for the day while Nicolas went on a field trip to OSU with his Mom. Jesse went to Dia's for the time being. Fun to have the crazy little one which shows in the picture where he likes to ham it up.

Ryan and the Pumpkins
27/09/15 20:06 Filed in: Family
Another cute picture with Ryan showing off the pumpkins. Too bad PaPa's legs were in the background.

Pumpkin Boys
26/09/15 09:35 Filed in: Family
David and Renee brought the boys out for part of the afternoon. The two older boys picked out pumpkins to take home. Nicolas strapped his in with a seat belt. Renee got some cute photos of the 3 with the pumpkins and placed on Facebook for Fall photos.

Jesse among pumpkin…

Jesse among pumpkin…

Kids Say the Darnedest Things
20/09/15 19:15 Filed in: Family
Art Linkletter had his show "Kids Say the Darnedest Things". We had dinner with David, Renee and their boys Sunday. We like to have challah bread from the local bakery. Nicolas, the 8 year old, was not wanting to eat his dinner. In encouraging him to eat his bread, he deadpanned, "Save your money".
Spectacular Boys
19/09/15 11:26 Filed in: Family
Beyond the other photos of Jesse in his Handsome clothes. Here he is hamming it up with a bigger "ham", Ryan, the big brother.

Train Boy
14/09/15 20:07 Filed in: Family
There is a little boy who loves his Thomas the Train pieces. He will steer and crash his train over and over again. Now he is trying to build bridges for the train to cross. Go, Engineer Ryan.

Apple Tree
16/09/15 16:58 Filed in: Family
Renee posted a photo of the apple tree Nicolas got as a start at the AgFest day last year. The tree has grown and of course Nicolas is growing. Here is a photo from last spring.

Being Cool
10/09/15 11:23 Filed in: Family
I have my newest Facebook cover photo. Where did this kid get the "cool" gene when none of the rest of us can seem to find it in the family. I hope it stays with him and does not go to his head. Better than the scowl he can deliver.

Family BBQ
07/09/15 20:47 Filed in: Family
Went driving today on the Aufderheide Dr. which is Hwy. 19 between Hwy. 126, the McKenzie Hwy. and Hwy. 58 the Willamette Hwy. running through Oakridge. More photos later. We went over to David and Renee's place for fruits, veggies, and a BBQ with them and the Lewises. An end of summer family BBQ American style.
David and Renee
04/09/15 08:52 Filed in: Family
A very nice photo was taken of David and Renee at the Meet Jesse party. I have to add it here.

State Fair
03/09/15 20:16 Filed in: Family
David, Renee and the boys went to the State Fair today. Wish we could have gone with them but too much work to still catch up on. It looks like Nicolas had fun with the Legos though.

Jesse's Party
30/08/15 19:37 Filed in: Family
David and Renee had a nice house party this afternoon for people to come and meet Jesse. Jesse was a dream for a baby, Nicolas was having fun with the other kids, and Ryan was acting goofy. I did get a nice photo of cousin Nancy holding Jesse (who made a lot of arm visits for the day).

Boys, Boys, Boys
24/08/15 21:41 Filed in: Family
Renee posted a cute photo of all 3 boys together with smiles or close to smiles if a little baby can smile much surrounded by 2 big brothers.

Baby Cake
26/08/15 21:36 Filed in: Family
Renee posted this neat photo of a John Deere themed cake at the baby shower her work mates at the hospital held for her. It looked like a very nice gathering. Cool cake welcoming Baby Jesse.

Jesse Hard at Work
15/08/15 09:02 Filed in: Family
Jesse came home from the hospital late morning today. It has been a hard job getting those parents trained to his every need. Exhausting in fact. So exhausting that he had to take a long nap in his battery operated swinging bed. Such is the tough life of a new baby.

Family Pics with Jesse
14/08/15 08:57 Filed in: Family
Here are a couple of nice photos of family pictures of Jesse from yesterday. A great family group photo and also one with a proud PaPa Bob holding Jesse.

Jesse Lewis Thayer is Here
13/08/15 08:55 Filed in: Family
Jesse Lewis Thayer made his introduction to the new world at 8:48 a.m. at the Lebanon Community Hospital. Welcome to the family little Jesse.

Ryan and First Ear of Corn
08/08/15 20:41 Filed in: Family
We had the first ears of 2015's crop of corn from Bob's garden. Yum. A bit on the early side but still great to have. Ryan let us know that he didn't want his corn stripped off the cob but to eat it on. Here he is enjoying the garden bounty and with a big smile.

Mixed Up Twins
11/07/15 11:48 Filed in: Family
I came across this article about two sets of identical twins who were mixed up at the hospital between both sets and each set grew up thinking they had a fraternal twin not an identical twin born with them. Until they found out the truth. A fascinating story about genetics, epigenetic, environment and also how one must feel when they look at their life and wonder what it would have been like if they had lived in their true parental family.
Ryan Determined
06/07/15 11:29 Filed in: Family
Ryan is funny when he sees his play fort and also being out at the farm. He walks or runs from place to place enjoying each spot. He can be a determined little boy, or big boy as he likes to think.
Best Fort Around
04/07/15 10:25 Filed in: Family
It is a quiet and recuperating 4th of July at our house. We did spend time with David, Renee, and the boys in the early evening barbecuing. The steaks were great. Before we got to that point, Nicolas and Ryan enjoyed some time on their new play fort. Or it seems like the perfect fort for them.
It is very funny to see Ryan sit in one of the small chairs and pat the bigger one for his "Papa" to join him in the fort area.

It is very funny to see Ryan sit in one of the small chairs and pat the bigger one for his "Papa" to join him in the fort area.

Playset Almost There
28/06/15 15:11 Filed in: Family
Bob has been working hard on the playset for the kids. It is all painted and set up except for a new slide. We will order that later. It looks pretty cool and has its chairs for a fort underneath for some kids to hang out. Or is that Grandpa to do so?

Play Structure Construction
18/06/15 14:42 Filed in: Family
Bob has been hard at work trying to finish the play structure/swing set/fort. Here he is hard at work trying to put more of it together after some of the painting he has done. Ryan and Nicolas like the climbing ramp.

16/06/15 14:10 Filed in: Family
Bob has moved the play structure and swing set out to the farm that used to sit in Scott's back yard for Melissa's kids and those she had in daycare. He is putting it back together and painting it Clover or our door accent green. It does seem like a good color. Ryan found it right away and was fast up on top.

Jumping Bean
13/06/15 12:05 Filed in: Family
Ryan was having too good a time jumping on the mini-trampoline. He does seem to like to bounce up and down.

Cantaloupe Lover
12/06/15 21:03 Filed in: Family
Ryan loves to eat his fruit and here he is stuffing a big piece of cantaloupe in his mouth at the BBQ tonight. He probably can't wait until he gets his Grandpa's garden grown cantaloupe.

Young Baseball Fan
11/06/15 21:12 Filed in: Family
Ryan is going to take after his one Grandpa and show that he likes going to baseball games. Here he is at the Corvallis Knights game over near Reser Stadium with his parents.

Eight Years Old
28/05/15 20:32 Filed in: Family
A busy time was had by all along with pizza at Nicolas' 8th birthday. Here he is showing off some of his loot such as "Captain Underpants". What a silly book.

Thomas the Train
13/05/15 14:38 Filed in: Interests
Choo Choo Ryan as mentioned a few days ago had an awesome birthday. A lot of his gifts centered around his interest in trains, especially Thomas the Train. There are a number of versions of Thomas to purchase. They seem cute and harmless.
Little did I know that Thomas is not well liked in Great Britain. He is too authoritarian I guess and regimented. Not good for the kiddos. For a little history about Thomas the Train or Tank Engine, you can read about the reverend who invented him.
Little did I know that Thomas is not well liked in Great Britain. He is too authoritarian I guess and regimented. Not good for the kiddos. For a little history about Thomas the Train or Tank Engine, you can read about the reverend who invented him.
Cupcake Train
10/05/15 19:22 Filed in: Family
Some more evidence of fun.
Ryan says "Hurry up and get this train on track for the candle lighting and then eating"

Here come the candles!

Ryan says "Hurry up and get this train on track for the candle lighting and then eating"

Here come the candles!

Best 2.0 Birthday Evah
09/05/15 08:48 Filed in: Family
After all the food, birthday presents, and lighting of the cupcakes, it was the best 2.0 birthday evah! for Mr. Ryan who had a very busy exciting day. The weather could not have been better for a family gathering.

Cheering PaPa On
04/05/15 20:13 Filed in: Family
Some of the family gang showed up to cheer the hearty runner on to the finish line. Here is Ryan, David, and Nicolas near the finish line waiting for PaPa to get through the final race wrap up.

Choo Choo
23/04/15 20:51 Filed in: Family
Ryan came to play yesterday and he had his older brother's "letter" train set. He was very cute sitting on this rug with the train pieces pretending they will pull across the rug. "Choo Choo", he says.

Easter and Family
05/04/15 17:43 Filed in: Family
Today is Scott's birthday and also Easter. He and Melissa could not join us for Easter Dinner. We all met for dinner last night at Momiji. We did have David, Renee, the boys, and Renee's parents, Bob and Sandee. Caught Ryan enjoying his plate of grapes since he loves his fruit and veggies.

How Does That Work?
01/04/15 14:14 Filed in: Family
Ryan is having fun with one of Nicolas' toys today. He is checking it out carefully. He may ask "How does that work?' but he will figure it out.

Coloring With Grandpa
30/03/15 19:48 Filed in: Family
While I was off seeing the ultrasound of the newest Thayer rugrat, Grandpa Bob was entertaining Ryan. I caught a few moments of the two coloring together. I missed the photos of them trading color crayons with each other. Silly boys!

Ryan, Little Flirt
29/03/15 19:43 Filed in: Family
With it being Palm Sunday, we were invited over to David and Renee's house to have an early afternoon breakfast brunch. I was able to capture the kids outdoors on the play set on a nice afternoon before we ate our brunch. Ryan didn't want to swing yet he did like the slide. He has always enjoyed trying to slide. Here is a cutesy pose like he is a little flirt

Dinner with Relatives
05/01/15 17:29 Filed in: Family
The other night we met with Bob's brothers and some of the younger members of the family. Mitch was returning to his infantry unit at Ft. Benning, GA by plane later in the evening. We met at the California Pizza Kitchen at the Southcenter Mall at Tukwila. The area is now like a large town on its own. Much bigger than when we stopped there in my youngish days. It was good to see family and have dinner together. They all looked and sounded good.
Mick, Janet, and Lindsay

Lindsay, Kathy, Jim, and Bob

Bob, Kim, and Mitch

Mick, Janet, and Lindsay

Lindsay, Kathy, Jim, and Bob

Bob, Kim, and Mitch

Our 2014 Christmas Tree
11/12/14 06:48 Filed in: Family
With Bob’s and grandson Nicolas’ help, we got our Christmas tree up and decorated. It isn’t as large or has as many ornaments as last year. They both did a super job and now the tree is on records for this year. Getting ready for Christmas is never an easy thing to accomplish for the Thayers.

Family and Friends
We went over to our friend’s and neighbor’s home, the Winterboers, for their annual holiday dinner for neighbors. It was fun and good food as usual. The number of interesting stories from our lives made me wonder if we should have a Berlin Tales section to anything related to Berlin, on our Facebook page, etc. Hammy.
Meanwhile, back at the other Thayer’s homestead, some were gathered around the Christmas tree getting it decorated. We could use their help here.

Meanwhile, back at the other Thayer’s homestead, some were gathered around the Christmas tree getting it decorated. We could use their help here.

Battleship Kid
27/11/14 15:26 Filed in: Family
One minute you are 18 months old and watching how the bigger kids play Battleship….

The next minute you are ready to take over the world with your own Battleship, go Ryan…

The next minute you are ready to take over the world with your own Battleship, go Ryan…

Ryan and the Big Bed
21/11/14 14:26 Filed in: Family
Ryan came to spend the day today. Upstairs he saw the steps to our big tall bed. Up he went and enjoyed the view sitting in the middle of his grandparent’s bed. 

Grandma's Work Clone
15/11/14 19:43 Filed in: Family
There is a little man out there who seems to have picked up Grandma’s work habits of late. I seem to spend a lot of time on the computer and someone is also learning the same. Maybe not such a good thing.
Ryan at the computer desk at his home

Ryan at the computer desk at his home

Breakfast at the Other Thayers
08/11/14 11:14 Filed in: Family
David and Renee invited the whole family over to their new place to cook and serve breakfast at their new place. They certainly have more room than they did in the small apartment. The kids sure had fun racing around the placed and down the hall. We were shot by many a stick and soft ball at the end. Pow, Pow, Pow!
Ryan at the breakfast table when all is said and done.

Ryan at the breakfast table when all is said and done.

Tired Little Boy
18/10/14 18:35 Filed in: Family
David, Renee, the boys, and her family flew back to St. Louis via Atlanta 2 days ago to spend the last days with Renee’s grandmother. It is a long way to go with a full family to take and 2 active kids. Travel is exhausting as Ryan demonstrates in this picture....
the sleep of the innocent.

the sleep of the innocent.

Mowing Weeds
12/10/14 15:19 Filed in: Family
Bob and our neighbor, Dan Hartman, went over and mowed down a lot of tall grass and weeds around the place. One can now see where the yard is and at least enjoy it to a fair degree. Much cleaner view. In visiting, I didn’t go in because David was feeling sick and I did not want to get exposed.
I did grab some McDonald’s food to eat since I was a bit hungry. To know how the McDonald in McDonald’s is, check it out here.
I did grab some McDonald’s food to eat since I was a bit hungry. To know how the McDonald in McDonald’s is, check it out here.
Moving Day
11/10/14 15:16 Filed in: Family
David, Renee, and the boys had a major move today to a mobile home over on Denny School Rd. It offers a bit more room for them as far as the kitchen, dining and living room. The boys have a fair sized room or area to each of them. One big attraction is that it is less expensive so that will be helpful for them at this point. Bob was involved in helping move all the big and little stuff with Renee’s family helping.
New Cowboy Boots
29/09/14 19:58 Filed in: Family
The smallest wrangler and farm boy of the family, Ryan, got his first cowboy boots. He seemed to do a good job of clomping in them around the house. He certainly can run and motor really well with those boots. It is the cutest thing with his Major Cutie shirt, shorts, and cowboy boots. None of the rest of us could pull that off so well.

Nicolas is a Cat Veterinarian Trainee
27/09/14 21:19 Filed in: Family
David and Renee took the boys today to the Gilbert House in Salem. The house is set up for kids. It was founded by the man who developed the erector set and he was from Salem. Here is Nicolas set up to do a cat examination as a veterinarian. Renee has video of his giving an injection to the poor kitty. The technique needs refinement to say the least.

Ryan Hello Speak
28/09/14 21:09 Filed in: Family
Thanks to Renee calling this evening, we heard that Ryan was unhappy that he couldn’t talk to someone so she called us. We got to hear his first telephone hello to Grandma and Grandpa. I hope he made his bedtime soon after. We certainly enjoyed the special hello from this little bundle of Ryan energy.
Dueling Birthday Cakes
16/09/14 16:16 Filed in: Family
Sunday Denver and Shasta had their belated birthday party at River Park. It was a warm pleasant afternoon and a good time for all. The kids had fun and both Denver and Shasta had their own birthday cake to highlight their interests--dancing and “boy-type stuff (weird eyeballs)”. Here they are with their dueling cakes and candles.

Cats and Babies
12/09/14 08:52 Filed in: Animal Kingdom
Being a cat lover, I was enamored with this cute video of a cat getting along with a new baby. What a pair! It is enjoyable items like this that prove to me why I love cats. For your viewing pleasure.
The Watermelon Kid
14/09/14 16:20 Filed in: Family
I think Ryan is going to go down as “The Watermelon Kid” much like there is “The Cisco Kid”. That boy does like to eat watermelon and also cantaloupe. 

The Shirtless Bunch
01/09/14 20:35 Filed in: Family
The young boys yesterday were having a lot of fun near the end on the swings and slides. Even more fun when Grandpa Bob Lewis wets down the slide. All of them went shirtless for the end of the day fun.

Watermelon Loving Boy
31/08/14 20:12 Filed in: Family
We were invited over for late afternoon today for a Lewis backyard barbecue. It was also Michael’s birthday too. Really nice evening being sunny and warm, not too cool nor too hot. The Thayers brought produce from their garden. The hard grown spoils of Mister Thayer. Can you tell from these pictures that his grandson, Ryan, loves his watermelon?
What watermelon are you talking about?

This watermelon!

What watermelon are you talking about?

This watermelon!

Speed Baby
10/08/14 20:34 Filed in: Family
A picnic on a hot day outdoors. Thunderstorms in the evening. It is fun to watch Ryan race around to explore his “world”. He had a blast today scrambling up and down the deck stairs. He has also learned to open the pantry door to get at the food. Ah, the joys of a grandparent’s home.

Tug of War
24/07/14 21:22 Filed in: Family | Animal Kingdom
Ryan was having fun tonight and almost 15 months old he is getting pretty playful. He enjoys a bit of silliness. David caught him in this picture having a back and forth tug-of-war with Dervish’s frisbee toy. I understand it was quite hilarious to watch.

Popsicle Boy
21/07/14 21:10 Filed in: Family
A kid with some pretty blue eyes which I think he inherited from Grandpa seems to enjoy his popsicles just like Grandpa does. He is a cutie, the little one I mean. 

The Fourth
04/07/14 22:18 Filed in: Family
This fourth of July was observed more quietly and with more work catching up than usual. No fireworks viewing on our end. We were still in jet lag and wanting to go to bed early. It was a day of spending time with David, Renee, and the boys here at our house BBQing chicken and hot dogs for lunch. We had a wonderfully sweet watermelon Bob got at a produce stand on the way home from the airport. Renee made a nice cheese and fruit tray to snack from. Our interlude of family time and away from tasks was short-lived yet so very nice to have.
Mr. Tumbles
23/06/14 09:50 Filed in: Family
I don’t think I would have recognized our Nicolas as Mr. Tumbles in the photo. We did snag this photo off Renee’s Facebook page since it was so good and colorful, too. Good job, Renee. It looks like Mr. Tumbles had a fun time as a Clown for the Day!

More Festival Time
08/06/14 20:24 Filed in: Community
Nicolas got a space alien to enjoy while waiting for the parade to start.

Ryan got to walk on his own at his first ambulatory adventure at the parade. Let me at them!

Ryan got to walk on his own at his first ambulatory adventure at the parade. Let me at them!

Super Heroes to Rescue
30/05/14 22:34 Filed in: Family
We went to watch the newest Godzilla march across the movie screen, the world and our cities while attacking the Motas (new version of Mothra). I learned a few things from watching the film: it is a good thing we moved from the San Francisco Bay Area, some families have trouble follow them everywhere, when mega monsters fight they create a mess, you still need a good story with the special effects to make a good movie. Considering the number of Godzilla movies we watched while David and Scott were kids and big Godzilla lovers, this one was better than many.
This is why we need little super heroes who can attack the big bad monsters in this world before they destroy our backyard swing set.

This is why we need little super heroes who can attack the big bad monsters in this world before they destroy our backyard swing set.

MiniMe Pirates
27/05/14 19:46 Filed in: Family | Photography
The Dread Pirate Robert has a Mini-Me version. The Mini-Me version has a truly great curl of the lip and way of saying that pirate, ARRRGH! Check it out.

Dread Pirate Robert
25/05/14 20:12 Filed in: Family
The Dread Pirate Robert made a trip from The Princess Bride to come and terrorize the Super Hero gathering for Nicolas the Bold. Ryan the Hostage to the Dread Pirate Robert was not excited to be approached by strange pirates and he was not sure he wanted to be held by the man with the eye patch. The sword of fury got past around among the Super Heroes to test for its ability to intimidate but few could match the Dread Pirate Robert and his eye patch.

Super Hero Birthday
24/05/14 20:07 Filed in: Family
The super heroes were out in force today. It was Nicolas the Bold’s “super hero tea party” birthday. Most of the super heroes seemed to have superman costumes or logos. The bad guys were chased away or sprayed with silly string. The birthday boy had plenty of cool presents to open and play with. Here is one view of a happy boy in the middle of goodies.

Nicolas the Bold

Super Hero Tea Cakes

Nicolas the Bold

Super Hero Tea Cakes
IPhoto on the IPad
19/05/14 20:21 Filed in: Interests
I decided to play around with the IPhoto app on my IPad. It can do some photo editing so I figured it was worth a try and some manipulation. I took a recent photo of Ryan when he was here last. I cropped it down and adjusted the color a little. Here is is standing on his own doing his own, “What’s in the Bag?”

Babies, dogs and balls
12/05/14 20:21 Filed in: Family | Animal Kingdom
Our dog, Dervish, loves his ball. He loves chasing his ball, especially if thrown by a family member. Dogs also seem to think that if someone has the ball, it is meant to be shared, to be thrown. Ryan thinks the ball is for chewing with his new teeth. Both believe the ball then is meant for their use though sharing can occur. One can see from the following picture how this can be done.

Nicolas the Bold
11/05/14 20:13 Filed in: Family
In shooting photos of the family, the light was fading due to approaching rain clouds. We went out along the retaining wall as a good backdrop for the family and to use better light there. Nicolas did not want to pose for photos very much and if he needed to, it was more to make grimace faces. I do think I got a good one here with him standing on the retaining wall with the sky as a backdrop. He had the look of being the boss or Nicolas the Bold, overseeing his domain.

First Birthday Party
10/05/14 20:08 Filed in: Family
Ryan had his first birthday party today. The gang or is it gaggle of family gathered around to eat BBQ and dump truck “dirt cake and gummy worms” for the afternoon. I could put a birthday type photo here though I think one of a happy boy who enjoyed the attention on his birthday is best. The birthday types can be used on later dates. Here he is in all his smiling glory.

Birthday Boy is One
09/05/14 23:39 Filed in: Family
Ryan is one year old today. The family group went out to eat dinner at Pizza Hut to celebrate his birthday. He seemed to sense it was a big day for him and he was in a good mood with plenty of shouting and jabbering. He even did his longest stretch of walking, the side-stepping sort, while he was there. Everyone had plenty of food and a good time. Here is the Birthday Boy, Ryan, getting a birthday kiss from Great Uncle Rod.

Two of a Kind
06/05/14 08:43 Filed in: Family
I think David realizes that he is more likely to have his picture show up if he mugs holding Ryan. Here is two of a kind, father and son, while waiting for Grandpa Bob to round the 5K track back to the finish line.

Face Painting
05/05/14 19:38 Filed in: Interests
My fun while waiting for the weary runners to cross the finish line and the pirates to get their eye patch burnished is to take photos of what intrigues me. I enjoy catching children enjoying what life presents them. Some very cute young girls were getting their faces painted or waiting to do so while Nicolas was pirating. Here is a young lady being transformed into a very sweet bunny.

Nicolas the Pirate
04/05/14 19:35 Filed in: Family
While Bob was off running his race yesterday, kids were getting their faces painted. Nicolas was no different. He went with the pirate look and had a black eye patch painted on. Here he is looking tough, or at least tougher than usual.

Stroller Babies
27/04/14 20:31 Filed in: Family
While Nicolas was blazing around the AgFest trying to see everything he could, even for a little bit of time, Ryan was having fun in his stroller watching everything around him. Of course, he had to keep Mom and Dad in sight. Grandparents, eh, who cares. 

Kids and AgFest
26/04/14 08:09 Filed in: Family
The outing today out of the house was up to Salem with David, Renee and the boys to the Oregon AgFest. It appears that the AgFest is a way to expose people and especially children to agriculture. It is a great idea and other than the slow entry gates, it was a well done affair. Many do not understand where milk and eggs come from or how we grow our food. Oregon has a great agriculture background and it needs to be promoted. First up was the Petting Zoo area where kids could see all types of livestock and poultry. They even had sheep shearing demonstrations. I do remember how to do that since my days of raising sheep.

Nicolas at the alpaca area
After this area, we went to the Pavilion where they had booths for kids to learn how to graft apple trees, grow grass seeds, grow vegetables like tomatoes and how to raise bees. It was a sensory overload for Nicolas through the whole visit.

Nicolas at the alpaca area
After this area, we went to the Pavilion where they had booths for kids to learn how to graft apple trees, grow grass seeds, grow vegetables like tomatoes and how to raise bees. It was a sensory overload for Nicolas through the whole visit.
Easter Eggs and Little Boys
21/04/14 11:02 Filed in: Family
Little boys do love to do their Easter egg hunts. Two little boys got plastic eggs with silly faces painted on them. Ryan seems to enjoy playing with his egg and ignoring his Dad on Easter.

Easter 2014
20/04/14 19:16 Filed in: Family
A quiet holiday. We did not have any major plans for the day. It is a day with family so we went to the Lewis’ house to share a meal with David, Renee, the boys, and her family. It was a BBQ type of day so it was burgers, chicken and hotdogs for the crew. Afterwards, we all sat down and watched the movie Frozen. I saw it on the plane coming back from Newark a few weeks ago. It is a nice animation though I don’t think it beats out Brave as far as I am concerned.
Dancing Baby
12/04/14 20:30 Filed in: Family
Only a sweet baby boy would be dancing this day and age to “Achy Breaky Heart” by Billy Ray Cyrus. Ryan put on a pretty good bouncing to the beat show this afternoon. At 10 months of age, he has much better rhythm than his Papa Bob shown with him in this picture where he was bouncing to that "achy breaky" beat.

Teenagers in Medieval Times
31/03/14 19:57 Filed in: History
What does a person do with their teenager? Or is it troubled teenager? In these times, most do nothing, others take away privileges (driving, money, video games, etc.). Not very suitable punishments usually. Well, see what they did in medieval times in Europe to the young in their homes, usually the young men. They were apprenticed or indentured to others to learn skills or new trades. Maybe it was to get bad attitudes out of the home and sent somewhere else. Check it out here.
Jasmine is a Trackie
19/03/14 20:46 Filed in: Family
We did something different today. Jasmine has joined Junior High track and they had their first track meet this afternoon. She is competing in long jump, high jump, and high hurdles. The schools all competing were Philomath, Linus Pauling, and Lebanon. Bob, Nicolas, and I met David with Ryan there and then sat with Melissa, Denver, and Shasta. Jasmine was up and about before she went to her competitions. Scott showed up later. Jasmine ended up not running the hurdles so she could practice more. We all had fun watching the kids do their best and it was on the Lebanon High track which is in great shape. We will have to do it again. Snapped a photo with David holding Ryan.

Tractor Work
12/03/14 20:24 Filed in: Family
Bob and Nicolas were out today, working in the afternoon sunshine. Bob has been trying to pick up a lot of the broken tree limbs due to the snow/ice storm of last month. Lots of work to do. Even though this was a bit of a distance for the IPhone, I had to hurry to get outside and take the photo of the two of them on the tractor pulling the trailer with the limbs.

Renee's Birthday
03/03/14 09:54 Filed in: Family
Today is Renee’s birthday, just two days after her Dad’s birthday. The daffodils should be coming out more so a great flower to share the day with. Here is Renee with silly bug, Ryan.

Birthday Parties
01/03/14 21:48 Filed in: Family
Bob Lewis is having his 60th birthday today and Sandee had a surprise birthday party for him at their home. Family and friends came to share. His sister from St. Louis had traveled the day before to participate. Unfortunately, I did get to meet her at the party. It is also St. David’s Day in Wales, so another good tradition to celebrate too. Bring on the daffodils. Here is Ryan’s take on birthday parties.

Jazzy Jasmine
30/01/14 20:10 Filed in: Family
Bob caught a photo of Jasmine dressed up with Nicolas’ hat and my goofy cat-type glasses. With her colorful socks, she struck a “jazzy” look. She looks like she will be off to the clubs, leaving the family hicks behind. Too bad we can’t be so cool. 

Another Day, Another Smile
22/01/14 22:05 Filed in: Family
A day of baby sitting Ryan and bringing Nicolas home after school. Ryan is getting much more adventuresome and checking out the neighborhood. In the picture, below a person can see one of our video storage drawers pulled out from Ryan testing the drawer rollers. He is a boy with a happy smile (when he is not tired or hungry
). I think I can see a little bit of Grandma Connie in that smiley look. She would be very happy if that were so.

Men Time
16/01/14 19:18 Filed in: Family
You know the air inversion is happening and the fog has set in all day. The “guys” are all interested in the antics of SpongeBob Squarepants and Ryan is all happy just from being able to stand at chest side and slap his hands in merriment. It is a guy thing, what can I say?

Long Day
09/01/14 21:23 Filed in: Family
The majority of today was spent at Corvallis Samaritan Hospital lending support to Scott as he went through back surgery. Or as he put it in other succinct terms, “A way to spend $22,000 for a surgery to be able to get $1 warming socks with grippers”. After waiting 4 hours from check-in to when he went into surgery, it all went quickly to clean out the ruptured intervertebral disks near his spinal cord and nerves. As I commented to one nurse, I was not sure which is worse, riding on a long airplane flight or sitting in a hospital room. She did have a reasonable point to consider in that one probably sees a lot more interesting people while flying. Scott is home now and happy to be there.
Getting Stronger
04/01/14 21:15 Filed in: Family
Someone is getting stronger in their activities and I think his name is Ryan. Renee has been posting video of Ryan standing in his crib and crawling after interesting objects on her Facebook page. Since we had an afternoon and evening visit from the family, we could see Ryan crawling toward fascinating items that would not be the best for him to play with (power cords and dog balls). He also was standing for quite a period of time next to a chest table while eating on rice cereal. Would you say that face below is ready for baby mischief?
That is a pretty good Dr. Evil imitation!

Sitting With Grandchildren
27/12/13 22:43 Filed in: Family
We had our first experience of grandchild sitting from David’s side today. The boys were good and it was entertaining to watch. One can start learning their patterns and interests with time. Ryan likes to explore the ground he can scoot over and Nicolas wants to play computer games, Minion Rush is the big one. The Minions are definitely strange looking critters. I’d hate to be chased by them.
Bob did a great grandpa job with both of them. He had Ryan for a short time trying to do a little standing, even if wobbly, on his two little legs.

Bob did a great grandpa job with both of them. He had Ryan for a short time trying to do a little standing, even if wobbly, on his two little legs.

Jasmine's 12th Birthday
25/12/13 22:38 Filed in: Family
It would not be a Christmas if I did not post a picture of Jasmine too. She had her 12th birthday today. Of course, she is growing into being a young lady with her own personality. She is a favorite of Ryan’s and does a good job entertaining him...........not that this picture shows it since he just was waking up from a nap. He did shortly after put on his bright smiley face and make noises at her in return. Happy Birthday, Jasmine.

First Christmas with Ryan
25/12/13 21:35 Filed in: Family
Rising early, we got right in and got the prime rib seared and into the oven. Fruit salad and herb rolls, here we come. Soon the boys and families arrive. We settle in to eat a wonderful meal of goodies. Way too many things to snack on. The children went more for the Popcorn Chicken and french fries. Foolish young’uns. They don’t know what they are missing. Soon, it was present passing and opening. I think all went over well with the group and everyone should love what they received.
Ryan’s first Christmas in Berlin

Shasta, Nicolas, and Denver are IPod movie watching

The adults are all settled in for Christmas dinner in 2013. Yum!!!

Ryan’s first Christmas in Berlin

Shasta, Nicolas, and Denver are IPod movie watching

The adults are all settled in for Christmas dinner in 2013. Yum!!!

Still a Blondie
22/12/13 19:38 Filed in: Family
We had family time late yesterday afternoon and early evening. Ryan was a mix of smiling and flirting to clingy to Mom and Dad. No ugly old grandparents would do. Big tears would erupt if he got dumped on their laps. He is all smiles in this photo where he is in his crib. It makes it light colored hair look even more blonde for the moment.

2013 Christmas Concert
18/12/13 10:16 Filed in: Family
Last night was Nicolas’ grade school, Cascade Elementary, Christmas pageant. The girls were dressed like little dolls and the boys were a mix. Nicolas’ grade is a large group of kids. They did a fine job and I got video of that section of the show. He was dressed up very well. Ryan seemed to have a fun time until he got tired and wanted his Mom near the end. Here is Ryan with Papa Bob T.

Kids and Storybook Land
05/12/13 14:17 Filed in: Family
We did not attend though we heard a lot about the opening night of Storybook Land at the Linn County Expo Center in Albany. It appears that Melissa and Renee with their kids made the stroll around the center looking at exhibits and the kids told their wishes to Santa. I am hoping for a photo of Ryan with Santa. The best I could download was with him bundled up in his stroller, Jasmine pushing, and Melissa and Renee tagging along. Christmas is coming!

Family Gathering
01/12/13 12:28 Filed in: Family
A later Thanksgiving dinner was held at the Lewis’. Lots of good food and desserts were present. I made another batch of yummy Apple Caramel Sweet Rolls to take. Bob was a hit with the kids in reading books and playing legos with them.
I just tried to take it easy and relax after a morning of baking the sweet rolls. Renee did post a cute photo of the boys. She gets good ones at candid moments.

I just tried to take it easy and relax after a morning of baking the sweet rolls. Renee did post a cute photo of the boys. She gets good ones at candid moments.

Post Thanksgiving
29/11/13 14:42 Filed in: Family
People are off rushing to the stores on Black Friday. I got my new IPhone which I like a lot. Now I have to get it set up with all the apps that I like. Made some apple caramel cinnamon rolls which went over like crazy. Yummy! We got to see the little Ryan man this afternoon and the photo is from the new IPhone 5s.

Six Months
09/11/13 22:38 Filed in: Family
Ryan is 6 months old today. David, Renee, Nicolas, and Ryan all came out to visit and have dinner with us. It was great to see everyone’s smiling faces. Ryan has a cute baby’s smile that lights up when he sees you. He is sitting up more though I sense he would like to stand more than that. I hear he is rolling over a lot. He gets frustrated when he cannot get his shoulder out of the way to do it more often. It takes so much work!

New Cousins
07/11/13 10:25 Filed in: Family
We saved an image from the other Thayer’s Facebook page of the other Grandpa Bob holding two cousins new to each other. This is a great photo with Ryan, PaPa Bob Lewis, and Jeremiah at the family gathering in Seattle this last weekend. I am sure Bob is in 7th Heaven holding these grandkids.

Tigger Tigers
02/11/13 20:06 Filed in: Family
More lectures and learning. I have gotten to see and laugh with a number of old friends from the cat practice networking days. I participated in the silent auction and bought a nice fleecy blanket with Tigger tigers on it for grandsons to have for Christmas. Hate to spend the money though well worth it to help the Foundation and something for the kiddos. I attended a nice dinner and awards ceremony in the evening. It is fun to watch the live auction at the end. Dr. French was a hilarious auctioneer. What a performer!
David at 34
27/10/13 22:37 Filed in: Family
Today is David’s birthday. He is 34 and head of his household. We dropped a birthday card by his apartment last night since we left for Portland to attend a seminar this morning early. It was a shame not to be able to spend some time for his birthday together. He and Renee went out to dinner at Red Robin last night. We had a nice evening going to Pastini Pastoria restaurant at Bridgeport Village in Tualatin. Nice to see some other scenery.
Beach Play
06/09/13 09:38 Filed in: Photography
One of the fun things for children at the Coast is to play in the sand and water. I caught a couple of boys enjoying their activities. The younger wanted to play in the sand; the older preferred to build log structures. The later activity was a struggle and he was never able to place one log up into the fork of another log.

25/08/13 20:42 Filed in: Family
One thing I did not emphasize enough yesterday was how thoughtful Renee was to have planned an anniversary party and have some nice touches with the decorations, cake, food, and picture slideshow. I guess I was not helpful with letting them know what our music was for the wedding. Sadly, I cannot find our wedding program. Announcements, newspaper clippings, napkins, just not the program. I do remember two songs………”Love Can Make You Happy” by Mercy and “We’ve Only Just Begun” by the Carpenters. The photo is me saying Thank You to Renee for putting it all together.

Thanks for the Memories
24/08/13 20:37 Filed in: Family
Our children sprung a big surprise on us this afternoon and held a 40th Anniversary Party at the Church of the Nazarene. Most of the work was done by our daughter-in-law Renee. Her family and Scott’s significant other, Melissa, also helped out. It was a wonderful surprise and great to have my aunt, Doris, and cousin, Allen, with his wife, Sally, there too. They played a wonderful DVD slideshow of photos of us getting married, having kids, and growing older to the song, “Remember When”. The colors were in Yellow and White and we got to cut the cake (which was great to taste) and actually still be able to eat it. A very nice time was had by all. 

Another “Papa Bob” with Ryan.

Another “Papa Bob” with Ryan.

Turning 60
17/08/13 22:46 Filed in: Family
Bob hit the big 60 today. He said he feels not a day older than 59.
Here he is with Ryan and Nicolas. Scott and Melissa, David and Renee, and our in-laws, Bob and Sandee, came out to BBQ and celebrate his birthday. Just a busy day with getting ready, eating lots of good food, and family on a sunny day. Nicolas had been eating strawberries that are still getting ripe in the garden.

Here he is with Ryan and Nicolas. Scott and Melissa, David and Renee, and our in-laws, Bob and Sandee, came out to BBQ and celebrate his birthday. Just a busy day with getting ready, eating lots of good food, and family on a sunny day. Nicolas had been eating strawberries that are still getting ripe in the garden.

A Trailer Full of Kids
29/07/13 20:46 Filed in: Family
The dogs sometimes get displaced from riding in the trailer of the lawn mower. This is a trailer full of instant grandkids……..(from the left) Shasta, Nicolas, Jasmine, Denver, and Dervish the Dog. Grandpa Bob gets all the fun toys and kids.

27/07/13 17:44 Filed in: Family
Bob has been spending a lot of the last week trying to get our 25 year old trailer in shape for a weekend Bible camp out for David and Renee. The trailer once cleaned up looks fairly decent though there are some significant wear and tear spots and areas that need work. It still functions for a camp out one way or another.
Here is Ryan watching while his Dad and his Grandpa are getting the last minute preps done before driving to the campground.

Grandpa Bob and Ryan after trailer is set up.

Here is Ryan watching while his Dad and his Grandpa are getting the last minute preps done before driving to the campground.

Grandpa Bob and Ryan after trailer is set up.

Softball night
15/07/13 21:21 Filed in: Community
David has been playing softball this summer for his church in their league. His usual position has been first base as it was when he played in Little League. He does seem to enjoy it. We went to watch tonight which was the first time for me to be a sideline supporter. It is though a great evening for the kids to get outdoors and use up a lot of energy playing along the sidelines too. Here is Nicolas and a friend checking out the play of the other Grandpa Bob.

Nathan at the ballgame. His shirt reads--“If Mom’s having a bad day…call 1-800-Grandma.”

Nathan at the ballgame. His shirt reads--“If Mom’s having a bad day…call 1-800-Grandma.”

Potluck Baby
Ryan got to attend his first Berlin Community Potluck at the Fire Station. Of course, his parents came to the potluck a couple of years ago on an early date together. Here is Ryan and his Mama.

Independence the American Way
The 4th of July, Independence Day is supposed to be a day of family, leisure, barbecues, and fireworks. We seemed to take it all in though Bob was out mowing down the remaining grass in our hay field during the day. Later in the afternoon, we followed the usual prescription and had 4th of July celebration at the Lewis household.
Ryan’s first 4th of July and he is all decked out.

Nicolas and Nathan getting down to the business of fun.

And then the fireworks!! (too busy eating to add in a photo of food)

Ryan’s first 4th of July and he is all decked out.

Nicolas and Nathan getting down to the business of fun.

And then the fireworks!! (too busy eating to add in a photo of food)

Family Teriyaki
21/06/13 19:08 Filed in: Family
We finally got out of the house again and took David, Renee, Nicolas, and Ryan out to dinner at Lebanon Teriyaki. I think that is close to their favorite place to visit for dinner. Ryan got passed around for holding to Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma before Mommy was the better deal for dinner. Conversation, of course, did settle for the men around softball and baseball. Just a look at the ballpark area in Seattle. The white domed field on the left is for the Seattle Seahawks and the dark domed field on the right is Safeco Field for the Mariners.

Father's Day
16/06/13 20:15 Filed in: Family
Now it is Father’s Day or Grandpa’s Day at this point. Gramps has had a few Happy Dad’s Day comments from his sons. His wife has been less enthusiastic due to trying to recover from the trip and meeting in Seattle. Such days are always “catch up” days. Bob did get a good gift for his Father’s Day……..the newest World War II book and last of a trilogy by Rick Atkinson. Such reading should keep him busy. Here is grandpa meeting his new grandson, another version from May 9.

One Month, One Year
09/06/13 17:02 Filed in: Family
Today Ryan is one month old and it is the one year anniversary of David and Renee. We went over and shared a crock pot meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes and corn. We brought along a Schwann’s frozen creme pie that had candy chunks and caramel. Yum! Ryan is able to hold his head up a bit stronger. David and Renee seem relaxed and happy as a family.
Here Is Hoping
06/06/13 10:27 Filed in: Family
Grandma always loves being appreciated and having a number one fan. It can bring a smile to know that Ryan recognizes that Grandma likes a supportive audience 

05/06/13 10:24 Filed in: Family
When all your activity meets up with an overload of allergies, sometimes a body crashes asleep to make it up. Nicolas has crashed.

Water Gun Wars
04/06/13 19:46 Filed in: Family
If it isn’t Grandpa stirring up trouble, one of his sons brings water guns to the picnic and there were water fights. One rule is you never shoot the Mamas (not if you want to live). Jasmine and Shasta are in the process of ambushing and watering the rest of us (plus each other).

The Bike Teacher
03/06/13 19:41 Filed in: Family
Just as he did with his own sons, Grandpa Bob was out helping Nicolas learn how to ride a bike with training wheels. Steady as he goes there, Grandpa! Nicolas was able to peddle across the cul-de-sac on his own at one point. Cool bike helmet!

Backyard Birthday Bash
02/06/13 19:41 Filed in: Family
The weather is getting dry and mild. People are in the festive mood, Strawberry Festival that is. Today we celebrated Nicolas’ birthday in his parent’s backyard with burgers, hotdogs, chips, beans, and homemade ice cream. The highlight for Nicolas was getting to open presents. What child does not like to be the center of the universe for a period of time. Here he is opening his Sponge Bob talking birthday card from us.

Nicolas Is Six
30/05/13 19:59 Filed in: Interests
Nicolas has his sixth birthday today. It sounds like he had lunch with his Mom and baby brother and know that this is HIS day or birthday. The celebrations will happen with the family on Sunday. Nicolas enjoys playing in our water fountain, especially with sticks and other objects………

24/05/13 19:22 Filed in: Family
This came over the wire. I think we may have a hitting streak going of Ryan Scrunch Face. Or his he chillin’ like Mom suggested? Hmmmmm……………

Grumpy Cat Child?
23/05/13 19:12 Filed in: Family
After a long, stressful day of volunteer involvement, we went to the Lewis’ home in the evening to celebrate Grandma Sandee’s birthday. Barbeque burgers and hotdogs with lots of salads was on the menu. It was fun watching Nicolas play the Wii and being able to hold the Ryan child too. Here is his scrunchy face look………….or is this Ryan imitating Grumpy Cat?

Grandpa Referee
15/05/13 16:33 Filed in: Family
Bob is the official kid’s play person in the family. I thought it would be good to buy this T-shirt that announces he is the Official Referee for Grandkids. Especially when he has a bubble maker in his hand………..that Troublemaker!

Ryan or Bear?
14/05/13 16:02 Filed in: Family
Since he isn’t much bigger than the bear he is sharing his bedding with, Ryan seems pretty buddy-buddy with his blue bear. A good photo of him since he is often snuggled in blankets because he likes the warmth.

Bubble Making
13/05/13 09:52 Filed in: Family
A further demonstration of big bubble-making, Michael Lewis is creating a big bubble with Nicolas waiting in anticipation to grab and pop it.

Then a big highlight for a Mom times Two to the second degree (Grandma) and Ryan

Then a big highlight for a Mom times Two to the second degree (Grandma) and Ryan

Mother's Day
12/05/13 17:44 Filed in: Family
It was supposed to rain today and put a “wet kiss” on Mother’s Day. Other than some mist at the start of the morning, it actually was warm, a bit muggy, and the sun did come out for awhile. Enough to enjoy the outdoors in the afternoon. The Thayer and Lewis family gathered to celebrate Ryan’s arrival and Mother’s Day with a quickly gathered potluck.
To entertain the kids, a large bubble maker was brought out. Most popped pretty quickly though a “double bubble” did float over the house and was caught “on film”.

To entertain the kids, a large bubble maker was brought out. Most popped pretty quickly though a “double bubble” did float over the house and was caught “on film”.

Like Father, Like Son?
11/05/13 11:18 Filed in: Family
After looking at David’s photo from yesteryear, here is Ryan showing his displeasure of nurses who unwrap a nice, warm blanket and try to take your temperature with a stupid thermometer. Who would do that to a little baby! 

Father and Son
10/05/13 11:51 Filed in: Family
Maybe it is the “all babies look alike” syndrome, though I think Ryan looks much like David did as a baby. I will lay out some evidence. Now to stroll down memory lane………..

Vicki and David at hospital

David, shortly after coming home. A close resemblance to Ryan?
Note the strategically placed arm to make this photo acceptable for all audiences.

David, the proud and happy father!

Vicki and David at hospital

David, shortly after coming home. A close resemblance to Ryan?
Note the strategically placed arm to make this photo acceptable for all audiences.

David, the proud and happy father!
Big Brother
10/05/13 06:09 Filed in: Family
Grandpas helped to introduce Nicolas to his new brother, Ryan. Since Ryan goes home from the hospital today, Nicolas is learning from the start how to be a big brother in caring, protecting, sharing, and loving Ryan. He vacillated between “Yes, I think I like him” to “No, I am not sure if I do”.

Two Bobs, a Nicolas and Ryan

”Let me show you”

Two Bobs, a Nicolas and Ryan

”Let me show you”
Ryan Dale Thayer
09/05/13 21:19 Filed in: Family
Ryan Dale Thayer made his slow but sure entrance into this world today at 3:41 pm. Mother and Father were tired and happy. Grandparents all around were pleased. He weighted 8 lb. 8 oz and was a bit of a sleepy fellow unless poked and prodded by the nurse. Bob said to Renee she did good today. David could finally relax after being stressed a bit. Ryan was doing a bit of snorting (fluid in his upper air passages) so he may need to be nicknamed “Snort”.

Ryan and Renee

A beaming Grandpa and Ryan

Ryan and Renee

A beaming Grandpa and Ryan
Barbeque Night
28/04/13 09:42 Filed in: Family
Last night we had the first of what we hope is a more frequent occurrence. We were invited for dinner, more specifically a barbecue at our son David’s apartment. We had steaks to barbecue for us and good potatoes, they had chicken. He and Renee are anxiously awaiting Ryan’s arrival (they hope soon). Nicolas had fun with Grandpa playing garbage tag and lava flow (kid’s terms). David did a great job with his barbecue skills and tools. He is a Thayer male in that area. Renee was tired from work though held up well. Here are some photos from last night.

Happy 30th
05/04/13 08:49 Filed in: Family
Today our youngest joins the “Don’t Trust Them” generation. He turns 30. I remember the rush to the hospital to deliver this “rug rat” after about 1.5 hours of labor. He was eager to be born and still likes to make his presence known. We love him and even though he has to work today, we hope he has a great birthday. Here is Scott Thayer.

Grandma Love
26/03/13 07:54 Filed in: Family
One other photo from the baby shower is one of Sandee, Renee’s Mom, reading from a book on God’s love and instructions for a new grandchild. Great grandma Kay is sitting next to her.

Eyes on the Prize
24/03/13 10:48 Filed in: Family
Nathan, David’s nephew, is always a fun subject to photograph. The John Deere decorated cake was a huge attraction for a little boy. At one spot, I thought he would plant a finger or hand on the cake to check it out before we all got a chance to get a piece. So it was fun getting him peeking over the edge of the table to have his “eyes on the prize”.

Welcome Cousin Ryan from Nathan

Welcome Cousin Ryan from Nathan

Family Time
23/03/13 10:37 Filed in: Family
The Lewis Family had a nice baby shower at their home for Renee and David. The guys went off to walk around Cheadle Lake while the ladies stayed behind and viewed gifts and ate cake. It was great to have a large part of the families together. Lots of cute clothes and coverings for a little boy. Renee looked very nice with her pigtails and the polka dot black and white dress top she had on.


Renee and Melisa


Renee and Melisa
Showers for Baby
10/03/13 11:31 Filed in: Family
Yesterday was a beautiful spring day. So many people were walking and jogging along country roads. It was as if you could breathe in the sunshine. The day was also one for Renee to have a baby shower held for her and Ryan over in Albany. It was a pleasant experience and Renee was looking lovely. Ryan got a haul of lots of fun onesies and socks and toys.


It's A Boy
17/12/12 09:04 Filed in: Family
The ultrasound results are in. We are told the baby will be a boy, Ryan Dale Thayer, when he makes his entry.We saw some ultrasound results though they were not as clear as expected. David and Renee are very excited and Nicolas was the one to pronounce the results.

A Big Book Sale
The blog would not be complete without showing another child who seemed to enjoy the pizza party the other night. Nathan, David’s new nephew, is about 16 months old now and growing. He is usually a happy fellow whenever everyone gets together. He certainly had fun mashing the pizza pieces around. 

I can’t pass up the opportunity to mention a story that really hit my interest in books. The author, Larry McMurtry, has owned 4 used bookstores in the town of Archer City, Texas. Each building has thousands of books!
He recently held what he called the Last Book Sale to bring the numbers down as he closes up the bookstores. The books were sold in boxes of topic or interest type. Powell’s books seems to have left with scores of boxes of auctioned books. Mr. McMurtry hoped to turn this town into another Hay-on Wye, which I have visited three times in Wales (just over the border from England). It is the book lover’s paradise. His idea never panned out for Archer City. It would have been a wonderful dream and experience to attend this Last Book Sale. I just go to the modest ones here in Lebanon, though the sales at the library branch in Walnut Creek could be crazy with book buyers grabbing all the best books they could haul.

I can’t pass up the opportunity to mention a story that really hit my interest in books. The author, Larry McMurtry, has owned 4 used bookstores in the town of Archer City, Texas. Each building has thousands of books!
He recently held what he called the Last Book Sale to bring the numbers down as he closes up the bookstores. The books were sold in boxes of topic or interest type. Powell’s books seems to have left with scores of boxes of auctioned books. Mr. McMurtry hoped to turn this town into another Hay-on Wye, which I have visited three times in Wales (just over the border from England). It is the book lover’s paradise. His idea never panned out for Archer City. It would have been a wonderful dream and experience to attend this Last Book Sale. I just go to the modest ones here in Lebanon, though the sales at the library branch in Walnut Creek could be crazy with book buyers grabbing all the best books they could haul.
More Joy of Children
28/07/12 15:16 Filed in: Photography
One photo I really enjoyed taking was of a little girl dressed as a Southern Belle at Shirley Plantation. This plantation is the longest family-owned business/plantation in the United States. We had a nice visit there last summer at the end of June. The family still farms the plantation.

Joy of Children
27/07/12 12:00 Filed in: Photography
Energy and charm that just exudes from them. Watching children can be fun. Taking pictures can be even better. It is fun to catch them in unguarded moments as they explore the world. I have been trying to do more photos of kids because they are often moving and doing interesting things.
I enjoyed taking the following photo of a young boy having fun at the stopover on top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. His family were trying to get him to react to them by raising his arms. He was so cute to follow through. It added to my pleasure too because it was the first full day of our vacation and I felt that uninhibited emotion of raising my arms in “joy” of being “free of commitments”.

I enjoyed taking the following photo of a young boy having fun at the stopover on top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. His family were trying to get him to react to them by raising his arms. He was so cute to follow through. It added to my pleasure too because it was the first full day of our vacation and I felt that uninhibited emotion of raising my arms in “joy” of being “free of commitments”.