
Full Buck Moon

This year's July full moon is the Full Buck Moon. It was 2 days ago on July 20th. We got a photo of it rising through the fir tree, red in glory due to smoke in the air from wildfires.

It was cool to see the solar lights at the top of the fence point toward this rising moon.

Buck Moon 2024 small

RVing and Grilling in La Pine

We took our travel trailer out for its annual trip. We headed again to La Pine and the Cascade Meadows RV park. It is always a re-learning experience of how to use the trailer and all that comes with it.

This last year, I bought a small table top grill to cook outdoors with and it needed to be put together. Bob took it on with all his love (NOT) for the many parts and poor directions of how to put it together. After a thunderstorm and power outage, he did finally get it together and we had some lovely steaks grilled the next day. It looks like it should work fairly well for us in our camping out.

Bob RV La Pine 2024 grill small

Deciphering The Cat in The Cat, ed 2

The long awaited publication of the 2nd edition of The Cat, Clinical Medicine and Management, just arrived by UPS yesterday. It weighs around 8 lbs and is pretty heavy. My chapter as in the 1st edition is Chapter 3 - Deciphering the Cat, Physical Exam and Medical History. It is thrilling to see this since it was written to be submitted in early 2015 and the prior edition was published in 2012. Here are images showing the book & chapter.

The Cat chapter image

George Washington, General

George Washington lost more battles and won them. More details:

"General George Washington embodies the phrase “losing the battle but winning the war,” because during the American Revolution, he lost more battles than he won. Despite some experience in the British army, Washington had little experience fielding a large fighting force, and the Continental Army was filled with soldiers who were far from professional fighters. However, Washington’s resilience, determination, and long-term strategy eventually won the day. According to Washington’s aide Alexander Hamilton, the plan was simple: “Our hopes are not placed in any particular city, or spot of ground, but in preserving a good army … to take advantage of favorable opportunities, and waste and defeat the enemy by piecemeal.” Washington, also aided by competent generals and assisted by the French navy, decisively ended British ambitions in the colonies at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. "

2024 Independence Day

In a typical traditional 4th of July or Independence Day with the family, we had a burger and sausages barbecue with side dishes. Later on this evening we lit up the sparklers and fireworks. Some of the bigger fireworks were a surprise in size and intensity even if not long. Hope the neighbors were OK. We are careful to have water hoses and plan to light them well away from flammable areas.
Here are Vada and Victoria doing their sparkler "light 'er ups"

2024 Vada fireworks small

2024 Victoria fireworks small


We bought the girls a hammock each to hang between the tree forest next to the house. They seem to enjoy hanging out in the hammocks. Vada loves swinging in hers, Victoria not so much. I caught a photo of them through the office window where they were spending time with their other grandparents dog, Samson. Nice to have a warm summery day.

Hammocks smallHammocks small

Old Faithful Landmark

Old Faithful geyser was blowing as Bob and I got to our room at the Old Faithful Inn at Yellowstone National Park in May, 2023. It was too difficult to get a picture out the window that looked nice so I had to get a photo while outside the next day.

Here is information about this landmarkL

"Located in America’s first national park, Yellowstone, Old Faithful draws around 4 million visitors annually. The powerful geyser was named by the members of the Washburn Expedition of 1870, who discovered that it erupted with reliable regularity. It was the first geyser to be given a title in the park, and the nickname stuck — today, the geyser still erupts every 91 minutes. As for Yellowstone National Park itself, it was named for the Yellowstone River, which runs through the park and flows into Yellowstone Lake. The Yellowstone River’s first incantation was Mi tse a-da-zi, which translates to “Yellow Rock River” in the language of the Minnetaree people."


Happy Father's Day 2024

From the year 2017 and a return trip from Moscow, ID from niece Kimberly Thayer's wedding, we stopped at the Columbia Gorge Museum in The Dalles, OR to let the grandsons have a break from the car.

I took a photo of Bob as PaPa, and David (Nicolas, Ryan, and Jesse), along with Scott (later Dad to Vada and Victoria) at the entrance to the museum. Here is the collection of Dads in our family.


Devils Tower

"Devils Tower is an impressive rock formation that stands 867 feet high above the Black Hills of northeastern Wyoming and is considered sacred by Indigenous cultures. When settlers first arrived in this part of the country, the rock was labeled on maps as “Bear Lodge,” a translation for the common Lakota name Mato Tipila. However, the name changed when Colonel Richard Irving Dodge led a geology and mapmaking expedition to the site. Dodge wrote that the Indigenous people called the place “bad god’s tower,” which eventually led to the adoption of the name Devils Tower. However, this is believed to be a bad translation, as no records have ever shown that Native Americans considered the tower to be associated with evil spirits."
We did our jaunt to South Dakota at the end of May. On previous trips we saw other landmarks that draw tourists and interest. One is the famous Devils Tower.
How did Devils Tower get its name. The previous info should give you and Idea.


Human Species

Most of us do not realize that there have been around 21 human species that have lived on this planet Earth. I came across this article that gives an introduction to the past history of humans.
Homo sapiens. But we weren't always the only humans. The Smithsonian Institute estimates that some 21 different human species have roamed the Earth (though the number varies due to conflicting definitions of what is “human&rdquoWinking. Many of those species are in the genus Homo, which has only one surviving species today (that’s us). The list of hominids also includes other species considered by most scientists to be early humans, such as the Australopithecus afarensis, a member of the genus Australopithecus.
Homo sapiens were Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, and Homo erectus, and evidence suggests they coexisted in East Africa some 1.9 million years ago. This kind of cohabitation was a familiar fixture of human evolution. When Homo sapiens first appeared around 300,000 years ago, our ancestors lived among many other now-extinct human cousins. Modern humans famously fraternized with Neanderthals, Denisovans, and other populations. Homo sapiens also shared the planet with lesser-known species such as Homo floresiensis, Homo naledi, Homo luzonensis, and the straggling survivors of Homo erectus. But because some of these groups lived in remote communities, it’s possible that modern humans never even laid eyes on them. Scientists theorize that our ancestors wiped out many of these human species (Neanderthals were the last to fall, beginning to go extinct around 40,000 years ago) by demonstrating superior strategizing and cooperation skills. Our ancestors’ social intelligence helped them rise to the top of the food chain, and the population grew exponentially. Today, modern humans stand alone in the genus Homo, but we only have ourselves to blame. "
"Each one of the billions of people living on Earth today belongs to the same species:

The first humans in the same genus as

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