Country Music Awards
05/11/14 21:49 Filed in: Travel
Country Music Awards are on tonight. We were in Nashville just a few days before they had the big event there. Where Bob and I sat in the Patron Club last Saturday night looked right down on the MVPs tent for the awards. About as close as we are ever to get. 

James K. Polk
President James K. Polk came into office making a promise to serve one term and accomplish his goals in that time frame. He pushed the expansion of the United States to the West..........Manifest Destiny as it were. I have a biography on his presidency which I still need to read. He is buried in Nashville and here is his burial site. Another interesting fact gleaned while there is that the town was established by settlers, one of whom was last name Donelson. He was the father of Rachel Donelson, the wife of Andrew Jackson. Interesting connections.

Huey and the Print Shop
02/11/14 16:58 Filed in: Travel
Last day in Nashville. We did some wandering around the shops near the hotel before off to the airport hotel. A long time poster print shop is located between the Omni and the Country Music Hall of Fame. We learned they have two cats living in the print gallery, Maow and Huey. We got a glimpse of Huey watching the poster printers working. Having a cat adds a lot of color to the place.

Halloween In Nashville
31/10/14 21:44 Filed in: Travel
Not much of a spooky Halloween. I spent the day in lectures about feline medicine and Bob went sight seeing around Nashville. The city seems safer and has a lot more to enjoy than the last visit. Bob went to see the Johnny Cash museum today and felt it was a must see. I will have to save it for another time. We spent the evening at dinner with veterinarian friends. I had to take it slower since I had one of my molars break last night and it is painful to eat sometimes.
Here is a picture Bob got of the Tennessee capital. It was a great place to visit I remember from last time.

Here is a picture Bob got of the Tennessee capital. It was a great place to visit I remember from last time.

Music City Here We Are
30/10/14 23:40 Filed in: Travel
We took off yesterday afternoon to fly to Nashville for the ABVP meeting. We are staying at the Omni Hotel which is fairly new and quite nice. It is across the street from the Music Center and attached to the Country Music Hall of Fame. Nashville seems to have changed from when I was there 15 years ago and we are more on the eastern edge about 4-5 blocks from where the meeting was last time.