New Year's Resolutions 2025
New Year's Resolutions
Personally I don't do them since I don't hold to making it stick. A few this year could be one that I saw this morning about reading more (and crafting more). I need to be more active - move more and use the treadmill more.
Read about what is the possible history of 4000 years of making resolution promises:
"It’s believed the rest of the common folk, spared of such physical punishment, instead engaged in prayer, promising that they would repay their debts and otherwise conduct themselves in sterling fashion to please the gods.
"While the Babylonians may have been the first to introduce these promises to a celebration marking the start of the year, the Romans were the first to deliver theirs in January. For that we can thank the wide-reaching Roman calendar, which moved the first month of the year from March to January. Named for the two-faced god Janus, who both looked back at the past and faced the unknown future, the first month became a time for officials to pledge their vows of loyalty to Rome — a custom that continues in the less urgent but no less earnest tradition of the countless people who pledge to get off the couch and hit the gym in the new year."
Personally I don't do them since I don't hold to making it stick. A few this year could be one that I saw this morning about reading more (and crafting more). I need to be more active - move more and use the treadmill more.
Read about what is the possible history of 4000 years of making resolution promises:
"It’s believed the rest of the common folk, spared of such physical punishment, instead engaged in prayer, promising that they would repay their debts and otherwise conduct themselves in sterling fashion to please the gods.
Why Has Handwriting Disappeared
22/03/23 14:05 Filed in: Current Affairs | Culture
I have been researching the deeds for our property over 170 years and 5 generations. First one needs to go to the tax office at the County Courthouse for a description. Then you take this document to the County Clerk's office to go through the Deed Books and microfiche over the years based on looking for the Direct (grantor) or Indirect (grantee) party involved. There are probably over 50 large books with lined pages covering each deed transaction written in the most clear yet distinctly beautiful cursive handwriting. This form of writing is not seen often today. Many cannot write in script at all. What a potentially lost art. Maybe it is coming back?
A history of what has happened to cursive handwriting with the use of technology such as tablets and computers.
Good penmanship was long considered a status symbol, in that it meant one had the wealth, privilege, and time to access education. The ancient Romans borrowed aspects of the Etruscan alphabet to create one of the earliest forms of written script for transactions and correspondence. In the late eighth century, Charlemagne instructed an English monk to standardize the craft of penmanship, which resulted in Carolingian minuscule, a form of writing that crept closer to modern script. A heavier typeface reigned supreme upon the invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century, but Italian humanists revolted by creating an even more elegant handwriting style, known as “italic.” This became such a status symbol that, by the 1700s, some writing schools emerged in the American Colonies. At Boston schools such as the Latin School and the Writing School in Queen Street — where subjects included spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, and the catechism — there was a heavy focus on penmanship and different forms of ornamental script and calligraphy.

Script on Peter Powell Donation Land Claim document
A history of what has happened to cursive handwriting with the use of technology such as tablets and computers.
Good penmanship was long considered a status symbol, in that it meant one had the wealth, privilege, and time to access education. The ancient Romans borrowed aspects of the Etruscan alphabet to create one of the earliest forms of written script for transactions and correspondence. In the late eighth century, Charlemagne instructed an English monk to standardize the craft of penmanship, which resulted in Carolingian minuscule, a form of writing that crept closer to modern script. A heavier typeface reigned supreme upon the invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century, but Italian humanists revolted by creating an even more elegant handwriting style, known as “italic.” This became such a status symbol that, by the 1700s, some writing schools emerged in the American Colonies. At Boston schools such as the Latin School and the Writing School in Queen Street — where subjects included spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, and the catechism — there was a heavy focus on penmanship and different forms of ornamental script and calligraphy.

Script on Peter Powell Donation Land Claim document
Staples Out
11/08/16 09:18 Filed in: Interests
Ace Wrap Off!
04/08/16 09:10 Filed in: Interests
My first doctor visit post-surgery. They heavier wet resistant bandage is off and a lighter one is on. I still have to cover it to shower but if feels good to have it gone.

In Home Physical Therapy
29/07/16 20:45 Filed in: Interests
I had my first physical therapy session at home. Her name is Kathy and she got me going on some exercises for my knee. I seem to be coming along OK and able to do the exercises.
Leg Wrap
27/07/16 08:37 Filed in: Interests
Just to historically note my big wrapped knee with an Ace bandage and my two compression socks to prevent blood clots. Very pretty look.

Home Today
26/07/16 20:25 Filed in: Interests
I was discharged from the hospital late morning. They keep a person 23 hours and then they send them home. We had to pick up my pain medication prescriptions on the way home and do a few other errands. I am tired and want to get home to my new recliner to heal. I did get 2 sets of flowers, one from Lisa and a great one from Bob.

Knee Surgery
25/07/16 20:20 Filed in: Interests
I went in early this morning and underwent right partial knee replacement surgery. In the hospital with an ice pack wrap around my leg and leg massagers. One large ace wrap around my leg too. Help to get in and out of bed while using my walker.
Gene Based Diet
18/06/14 21:10 Filed in: Interests
Maybe there is something to that phrase “You are what you eat.” Researchers are finding genetic mechanisms that affect taste perception and food preferences. This could explain why some hate cilantro, dill, coconut, etc. while I happen to like all of this. Now the strong taste of lemon, nah. Cloves, awful! Bring on the specific taste tester genes and read about it here.
Dressing Up
21/06/14 21:08 Filed in: Interests
With the New Orleans as a near future destination, I took some time to travel to Eugene and do some clothes shopping. I have been trying to build my wardrobe up, casual and more business like as I am to take this new position. I will have to dress to match the part and be more official. Added a few dresses to the mix. Good to have some new clothes!
17/06/14 20:34 Filed in: Interests
Years ago when I worked for my first cat veterinary practice role, my employer was a nice and wise person. I tend to be a bit of a sensitive dweller on things such as criticism. I build it to the nth degree. She gave me a short writing or quote about criticism and how to not think it is all about my view yet could there be some part that I should consider is correct. For more discussion and a way to take criticism well, read this WSJ article here.
Andrew Breitbart Quote
I always enjoyed and admired the person and spirit of Andrew Breibart. He tackled life and people head on, fearlessly. He challenged the norm and yet with good spirits. He certainly gathered friends and foe alike. He wanted people to be warriors to the truth on their own. I believe we still miss his presence in this stressed out world, semi-nightmare world we live in currently.
I bring this up because it was a good news day yesterday. I re-certified for ABVP feline for another 10 years. The hard work to pursue it instead of letting it lapse paid off. I got my new 60mm macro Nikon lens for my Nikon camera so I can film closeups better. How exciting to pursue! Here is a great quote from Breitbart to stick on my wall and remember.
“Walk towards the fire, don’t worry about what they call you. All of those things are said because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it.”
I bring this up because it was a good news day yesterday. I re-certified for ABVP feline for another 10 years. The hard work to pursue it instead of letting it lapse paid off. I got my new 60mm macro Nikon lens for my Nikon camera so I can film closeups better. How exciting to pursue! Here is a great quote from Breitbart to stick on my wall and remember.
“Walk towards the fire, don’t worry about what they call you. All of those things are said because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it.”