Loch Ness Info
07/06/23 16:20 Filed in: Travel
I have visited Loch Ness around three times in my travels to Scotland. The last time was in August of 2018 when we traveled to Scotland and Norway. We spent a few days in Inverness and drove around the eastern portion of Loch Ness. Did we see Nessie or the Loch Ness monster? Wouldn't you like to know.
Instead I will share some information about the Loch Ness monster or what its real scientific name should be.
Instead I will share some information about the Loch Ness monster or what its real scientific name should be.
The scientific name Nessiteras rhombopteryx may look more or less like any other. As with many Linnaean labels, the species name rhombopteryx references the creature’s overall appearance — in this case, its diamond-shaped fins. But there’s one key difference here: The creature it describes doesn’t exist (probably). |
The Lost Kingdom of Rheged
02/02/17 13:40 Filed in: History
History refound? Archeologists may have found the lost kingdom of Rheged, an elusive kingdom from the 6th century of Dark Age Britain. More here.
"The mysterious kingdom was pre-eminent in northern Britain in the sixth century, but faded into obscurity after it was deliberately destroyed in the beginning of the following century.
Historians had speculated that the kingdom was headquartered in Cumbria, a county in north west England, but no evidence of it was ever found. Then digs carried in 2012 at Trusty's Hill, which overlooks the Fleet valley in Galloway in south-west Scotland, revealed clues of the presence of a royal stronghold."
"The mysterious kingdom was pre-eminent in northern Britain in the sixth century, but faded into obscurity after it was deliberately destroyed in the beginning of the following century.
Historians had speculated that the kingdom was headquartered in Cumbria, a county in north west England, but no evidence of it was ever found. Then digs carried in 2012 at Trusty's Hill, which overlooks the Fleet valley in Galloway in south-west Scotland, revealed clues of the presence of a royal stronghold."
Scottish Whiskey Heritage
23/09/16 15:22 Filed in: Interests
Scotland is set to open a several million pound museum to honor their illegal whiskey heritage. This will have a visitor centre. I would love to visit since we have been close to where this will be in the Cabach area in the northeast. We have been on the Whiskey Trail south of Inverness and along the eastern coast to different distilleries. Read about it here.
Unconquered by Rome
20/08/16 11:49 Filed in: History
So what was so tough about Scotland. Why was it hard to hold and conquer Scotland when they managed to do so with England and France. Rome lasted only 80 years as conqueror north of Hadrian's Wall. A description of their troubles can be found in this article.
William Wallace
20/08/15 19:45 Filed in: History
Dunnotter Castle Photo
09/08/15 09:08 Filed in: Interests
My Dunnotter Castle photo that was submitted to Ceiva for their travel photo contest showed up on the revolving photo frame from Ceiva. It is always exciting to see one of my photos displayed. Here it is in all its glory.

Celtic Music
13/04/15 19:49 Filed in: Interests
Bob and I love to listen to Celtic Music. This is why we had a good time listening to this trio at the Scottish Festival. Their name is Golden Bough. They are funny and have lively music and ballads. We got one of their albums.

Off With Her Head
12/04/15 19:46 Filed in: History
Under the weather today yet nice to post a photo of Queen Mary and her court. I hope she can hang on to her head this time around. Where is Queen Elizabeth when you need her?

Scottish Festival in Linn County
11/04/15 19:08 Filed in: Interests

We went to Albany today to visit the Linn County Scottish Festival. It had been on a two year hiatus.
Here is the Eugene Highlander Pipe and Drum band getting ready. We saw them march in with the NW Scottish Honor Guard.
28/08/13 21:14 Filed in: Interests
On one of our prior excursions around Scotland, Bob and I took a good portion of the Whiskey Trail. We have also visited sights on the Isle of Skye (Talisker………..a peppery single malt). Both of us enjoy a good single malt though we do like it on the rocks. We will drink it neat but don’t like it as well. Neat is the way one is supposed to enjoy a Scotch. In this article, they talk about drinking it with Ginger Ale. Bleech! I don’t like Ginger Ale as it is. It is fun to watch the different short segments of video watching Brian Cox saying Lagavullen or Glenfiddich or Balvenie.
Mary, Queen of Scots
24/07/13 09:12 Filed in: History
Now on to another individual who also lost her head, but for another reason. At least I don’t remember anyone counting her as a vampire. More a woman who could not keep her head or common sense around men. I have several books in my library about Mary and her history. Bob and I have visited Linlithgow Palace where she was born and also Falkland Palace where her father, James V, died and she later lived. We have visited Holyrood House in Edinburgh where she reigned and much of her scandalous history occurred. Read about Mary here.

Mary, Queen of Scots

Holyrood House, Edinburgh, Scotland

Mary, Queen of Scots

Holyrood House, Edinburgh, Scotland
Knights in Car Parks
12/03/13 10:44 Filed in: History
One never knows that you can dig up when you go removing old car parks in parts of Great Britain. First there was Richard III of England who was located under a car park. Now they have found a 13th century knight buried under a car park removed to make way for a new building in Edinburgh. You wonder what story he could tell about life in those times. The location had been the place of a Blackfriars Monastery at one time. An article describing the discovery is found here.
Along with the knight or nobleman's grave and skeleton, the excavation has revealed the exact location of the monastery, which was founded in 1230 by Alexander II (King of Scotland 1214-49) and destroyed during the Protestant Reformation in 1558.

Along with the knight or nobleman's grave and skeleton, the excavation has revealed the exact location of the monastery, which was founded in 1230 by Alexander II (King of Scotland 1214-49) and destroyed during the Protestant Reformation in 1558.

Whither Scotland?
09/10/12 19:16 Filed in: Interests
In reading different news articles, one comes across interesting current affairs. One of those was an article in the Daily Telegraph commenting on how the Scots at one time were the envy of the world in ingenuity and vitality. Maybe not for the emigres, yet the clearances were a boon to the rest of the world with the arrival of hard-working industrious Scots people. They are seeking their independence from the United Kingdom. Evidentally, the country is much more on the government assistance wagon and it is approximately 88% who take more than they contribute in taxes. This may be where we are headed in our country if we don’t change course.
At least though the article was disturbing about entitlements, it did have a link to about 20 gorgeous pictures of Scotland and the life of the people there. I am including a photo here of the rugged Highlands and heathered hills north of the River Dee valley and near the River Don. The day was getting cool and about 10 days later this part of Scotland had snow.

The Highlands near Alford, between Kildrummy and Craigievar Castles.
At least though the article was disturbing about entitlements, it did have a link to about 20 gorgeous pictures of Scotland and the life of the people there. I am including a photo here of the rugged Highlands and heathered hills north of the River Dee valley and near the River Don. The day was getting cool and about 10 days later this part of Scotland had snow.

The Highlands near Alford, between Kildrummy and Craigievar Castles.
22/08/12 19:27 Filed in: Interests
As it has probably come through, I love Scotland and its history. With my love of books, I tend to read about military history and also, historical fiction. Who could not love to read about a “brae Scottish laddie” in his kilt, with sporran, Skhien Dhu, and often times, a sword. Ah, and that accent!
I came across an interesting article today from someone who has studied medieval sword fighting and writes about how it is not like we think or it is often portrayed. It is good to get the real “skinny” on how this is done and good that there are craftsmen out there who do not want to let the art die and instead do what they can to bring it back. Maybe he is a character from a Lynn Kurland romance/time travel novel.

Warrior clansmen and their weapons
I came across an interesting article today from someone who has studied medieval sword fighting and writes about how it is not like we think or it is often portrayed. It is good to get the real “skinny” on how this is done and good that there are craftsmen out there who do not want to let the art die and instead do what they can to bring it back. Maybe he is a character from a Lynn Kurland romance/time travel novel.

Warrior clansmen and their weapons