Deer Family Out For A Feed
10/03/23 16:06 Filed in: Animal Kingdom | Berlin Community
A few days ago our local deer family with does and fawns of 6 were out catching some good grass nibbles. They did not seem disturbed with the human family looking at them from the house. It is getting close to spring.

Happy Ryan
16/07/20 06:59 Filed in: Family
Ryan's got his tractor love going lately. Between the swing set with lots of swinging and wanting to drive the lawn tractor himself, he is a happy boy this summer (as long as he gets his way, if not, then he pouts). In this he got to act like he was going for a drive.

Vada and First Tractor Ride
13/07/20 06:27 Filed in: Family
Tractor Fascination
12/07/20 06:21 Filed in: Family
When the grandkids gather, it seems that they are fascinated with getting their tractor rides. On the big John Deere tractor or more often, the John Deere lawn mowing tractor. Getting rides with PaPa on his lap or in the trailer pulled behind. Ryan is especially focused on tractor rides and now Vada wants to check it out. She went from nervous due to the noise to let's get this going because we can't let our cousins do more than she can.

Freight Farms
05/02/15 12:08 Filed in: Interests
Parts of agriculture could be changing. Hobby farms are out there. Someone has come up with a concept of mini-farms. Could it make farming better in some ways. Interesting concept on freight farms - farms inside shipping containers. Look here.
New Cowboy Boots
29/09/14 19:58 Filed in: Family
The smallest wrangler and farm boy of the family, Ryan, got his first cowboy boots. He seemed to do a good job of clomping in them around the house. He certainly can run and motor really well with those boots. It is the cutest thing with his Major Cutie shirt, shorts, and cowboy boots. None of the rest of us could pull that off so well.

Wandering Cows
26/09/14 21:13 Filed in: Interests
In returning a favor to our neighbor to check and feed her horses, Bob caught some neighboring cows visiting her driveway. They seem to be on the loose and were probably checking out the tasty vegetation that she has along the edge.

Goat Boss
28/04/14 10:25 Filed in: Animal Kingdom
Of course, the most fun thing out there in the farm animal world is the goat. They always seem to want to be on top of things, on top of the world. One funny scene I viewed driving into town was a goat standing on the back of a horse while the horse was resting. I couldn’t get the photo since the goat saw me stop and then it moved. Here is a “Goat Boss” at the AgFest the other day. Overseeing all the other goats’ activities.

Color and Irrigation
29/06/13 10:58 Filed in: Photography
More from that amazing sight of orange and blueish purple fields planted side-by-side. Bob got a nicely composed shot of one of the fields through an irrigation wheel. Good job!

Colorful Fields
28/06/13 10:31 Filed in: Photography
Great day of visiting with my friend, Marybeth. Bob and I had a nice lunch with her at a Vancouver Korean restaurant. Nice tasting and spicy food. It was with sadness that we had to leave Vancouver to drive home and not be able to spend more time with her. We could spend days chatting and have talked about taking photography classes at some point. It was a hot and early evening sun to drive home in. We got some really nice photos of local field crops and their color posed against each other.

Palouse Farming
18/04/13 08:42 Filed in: Interests
We headed up through the Columbia Gorge to stay overnight in Walla Walla. We enjoy this city and its good food and wine. Traveling around in the Southeast Washington fields and rolling hills, you can see the isolated homes and spots of agriculture. One example is this rake just off the road next to an early wheat field.

Boys and Tractors
06/03/13 13:43 Filed in: Family
John Deere is part of this family since we have a John Deere tractor and a John Deere lawn tractor/mower with trailer. Grandpa Bob is showing Nicolas how to drive the big tractor and you can see it is a lot of fun. Nicolas has his own battery powered riding tractor and I imagine Ryan is going to use it someday. It is stored on the Thayer Family Farm.

God Made A Farmer
03/02/13 14:17 Filed in: Family
The Super Bowl is over for this year. The Forty-Niners ended up losing. Bob was very disappointed with the refereeing at the end that may have affected the final outcome. I just ate until I was too full. Common for us to do. Of course, the Super Bowl is also full of commercials that are launched that people have to pick their favorites. One that seemed to really resonate was a Dodge Ram commercial that used a vignette from Paul Harvey. The title is “So God made a farmer”. A commercial like this resonates in the Thayer household since we both came from farming or agricultural backgrounds in our own way. More vegetable farming in Bob’s, more beef and forestry in mine. Enjoy an outstanding commercial here.