Winn Drawing Winner of the Winnie
21/09/14 20:58 Filed in: Interests
Here is our “Winnie Marchin’ In” winner here in Indianapolis. Her name is Rachael Miller and she was THRILLED to win the Jamie Perry print in our drawing. I hope she got it home safely. It would be great to see Winnie in her new home.

Meetings and Prints
25/06/14 08:22 Filed in: Travel
Since I am now in charge of meeting logistics for Winn, my day was spent making sure of the board meeting room availability and that all our packages have arrived for the Symposium the next day. I made sure to stop and greet Jamie Perry as she holds the “Winnie Marchin’ In” print for sale. We hope it is a big fundraiser for Winn and a seller for her.

Winn and "Winnie"
15/07/12 20:07 Filed in: Interests
Tomorrow will be a busy day trying to work on some Winn tasks and doing phone calls for different parts of Winn.
I thought I would make today’s post a mention about Winn’s new mascot, “Winnie”, who was brought to life by Jamie Perry, the artist from Glen Ellen CA. I have asked some friends for input about “Winnie” and the comments back so far have been positive. Feedback is always helpful and positive feedback even more so. So here is the first of the new look in the Winn enewsletter with the introduction of “Winnie”. Welcome to the cat world!

I thought I would make today’s post a mention about Winn’s new mascot, “Winnie”, who was brought to life by Jamie Perry, the artist from Glen Ellen CA. I have asked some friends for input about “Winnie” and the comments back so far have been positive. Feedback is always helpful and positive feedback even more so. So here is the first of the new look in the Winn enewsletter with the introduction of “Winnie”. Welcome to the cat world!