A Rose Is
01/08/24 10:17 Filed in: Nature
A rose is a rose is a roseā¦
The word rose derives from the Latin Rosa , which in turn comes from Greek and Old Persian. Ancient Empires like the Egyptians and the Chinese used roses as offerings to the gods and in funeral rituals . Later on, Christians would adopt red and white roses to commemorate the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Today, we cultivate roses mostly for their beauty and scent, and they are the go-to flower for lovers, friends, and weddings. And yeah, you guessed it, roses are the most googled flower!

A Rose Is A Rose
22/07/20 07:17 Filed in: Home
We have two rose bushes that were the first we planted and tried in our garden here in Berlin. One is a peachy-apricot color and the other is more approaching the reddish color of a peach skin. They have been prolific flower producers in the past and then got trimmed back plus deer-eaten. They are now in bloom. It seems to be a good rose year. I was able to snag a set of buds and put in a bud vase. Enjoy the blooms.