
Old Faithful

Old Faithful Landmark

Old Faithful geyser was blowing as Bob and I got to our room at the Old Faithful Inn at Yellowstone National Park in May, 2023. It was too difficult to get a picture out the window that looked nice so I had to get a photo while outside the next day.

Here is information about this landmarkL

"Located in America’s first national park, Yellowstone, Old Faithful draws around 4 million visitors annually. The powerful geyser was named by the members of the Washburn Expedition of 1870, who discovered that it erupted with reliable regularity. It was the first geyser to be given a title in the park, and the nickname stuck — today, the geyser still erupts every 91 minutes. As for Yellowstone National Park itself, it was named for the Yellowstone River, which runs through the park and flows into Yellowstone Lake. The Yellowstone River’s first incantation was Mi tse a-da-zi, which translates to “Yellow Rock River” in the language of the Minnetaree people."

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