Joy of Children
27/07/12 12:00 Filed in: Photography
Energy and charm that just exudes from them. Watching children can be fun. Taking pictures can be even better. It is fun to catch them in unguarded moments as they explore the world. I have been trying to do more photos of kids because they are often moving and doing interesting things.
I enjoyed taking the following photo of a young boy having fun at the stopover on top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. His family were trying to get him to react to them by raising his arms. He was so cute to follow through. It added to my pleasure too because it was the first full day of our vacation and I felt that uninhibited emotion of raising my arms in “joy” of being “free of commitments”.

I enjoyed taking the following photo of a young boy having fun at the stopover on top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. His family were trying to get him to react to them by raising his arms. He was so cute to follow through. It added to my pleasure too because it was the first full day of our vacation and I felt that uninhibited emotion of raising my arms in “joy” of being “free of commitments”.

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