

Smallpox Vaccine Strains

I came across an interesting story. Smallpox was one of the disease scourges of history. It is now conquered from the world and probably found in Level IV deadly pathogen labs. We began to conquer the disease when Edward Jenner developed an inoculation technique by using milder cowpox to infect people to develop immunity. Queen Elizabeth I is believed to have had smallpox in her earlier girlhood years. Just think of how history would have changed if she had succumbed.

Back to the story where scientists have determined the smallpox strains used to vaccinate Civil War soldiers. The story is here.

Long time, No Posts

I can see it has been about 2 1/2 years since I did a post. I stopped due to time and also some difficulty publishing the posts every day. I guess we shall see what happens when I try to restart. I do want to do this again.
We are starting the second month of safe at home due to the COVID 19 pandemic problem. Oregon is not as severely affected with numbers of cases and deaths due to the virus. You wouldn't know that listening to our Governor. She needs to give a better description to people in this state on a date she is hoping to allow more businesses opening. This is harmful to the economy of this state.

Well, enough for the moment. Let's see if this will publish as I hope it will and I can get back to doing more for my personal benefit.

Science Getting It Wrong

There have been a number of recent articles, this one in particular, about whether “peer review” is working as currently established and that a number of studies don’t hold up to the light of day. Many study results have been questioned and the results de-bunked. A recent scientific publishing company had to withdraw about 45 or more papers from their publications due to poor science. After having been through a grant review of research proposals, we need to do better than what this paper describes and be much more critical of the scientific methods used by some researchers. The study design or methods don’t hold water and should not be funded.

Why Are We Always Hungry

As a person who struggles with her weight, too much of it, and trying to control what I eat, here is an interesting article proposing why we are always hungry. Here is one of their key questions:

“But what if we’ve confused cause and effect? What if it’s not overeating that causes us to get fat, but the process of getting fatter that causes us to overeat?”


Government Cronyism

As Obamacare rolls out and looking at the effects on both Bob and i, it is distressing to read articles about all the lobbying, interest groups, and back room deals that went into getting this law passed and forced on us. An article that gives one just a taste of what this entailed is found here.

What is Faux?

We have had to listen to a drum beat of voices saying that those of us who had our individual health insurance cancelled that it was faux insurance. We are rubes, schlubs, and ignorant people who don’t know what is good for us in deciding our health care. Even though it has been around for awhile and we were satisfied with it. Certainly more satisfied than our premiums going up around 70%, deductibles which were already high almost doubling, and co-pays cut almost in half. We will be paying for insurance that will probably not help us and most likely economically hurt us.We have a government that lies to us and won’t accept responsibility. We lie for your benefit. Too bad, so sad. We lie since you are too stupid to know what you need. I hope this backfires on them and the Democrats suffer politically for this. For all the hurt they do to us, I hope it triples for them. We did not need to break 9 eggs to coddle 1. That is my mantra and I am so angry and frustrated on how this whole health care and insurance issue has gone.
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