

51st Anniversary Morning

The sunrise was quite striking this morning of Bob's and my 51st Anniversary. We were such young people. Not much planned today other than odds and ends and hope to get some sewing done.

Enjoy the sunrise on our 51st wedding anniversary day!

51st sunrise

50th Anniversary Day

Today is our 50th Wedding Anniversary Day. It is a day that has seemed long in the future yet it is now here. We were such young people then, 20 and 21, and just in the middle of college years. Last evening, we had dinner at an upscale restaurant, Sweet Reds Bistro, in Albany. The wife half of a lovely couple celebrating their 22nd anniversary took our photo and we found later they had covered $100 toward our dinner. It was a special end to a special evening leading to a special day next.

Bob-Vicki wedding 9-1-1973 small


42 Years

Today is a big 42 years for our marriage and an anniversary of the day two young people stood together at the Lutheran church on 5th St. here in Lebanon. Soulmates! Happy Anniversary, dear.
It was a quiet one of a couple of appointments, getting our TSA pre check applications submitted. A definite easier way to travel. Now we have to hope for our documents to come soon.

9-11, the 12th Anniversary

September 11, 2001 got the closest to us when we had to fly to Baltimore a few weeks after the attack. Many people were nervous to fly at that time and we met many people who wondered why people from California would come back East then. Especially those people we met in Washington D.C. An example of the impact at that time of what the terrorist did is this photo I got from Arlington Cemetery of the damage to the Pentagon from Flight 77.

40th Anniversary

Today is our 40th anniversary. What a milestone and miracle. I remember worrying about making our 25th due to concerns about my health. We did it. It started a beautiful morning with the sun shining brightly in Bandon. What a perfect day for photography! Here is my earlier morning photos of the Coquille Lighthouse with the sun from the east highlighting it.
Coquille Lighthouse at Bandon


One thing I did not emphasize enough yesterday was how thoughtful Renee was to have planned an anniversary party and have some nice touches with the decorations, cake, food, and picture slideshow. I guess I was not helpful with letting them know what our music was for the wedding. Sadly, I cannot find our wedding program. Announcements, newspaper clippings, napkins, just not the program. I do remember two songs………”Love Can Make You Happy” by Mercy and “We’ve Only Just Begun” by the Carpenters. The photo is me saying Thank You to Renee for putting it all together.

Thanks for the Memories

Our children sprung a big surprise on us this afternoon and held a 40th Anniversary Party at the Church of the Nazarene. Most of the work was done by our daughter-in-law Renee. Her family and Scott’s significant other, Melissa, also helped out. It was a wonderful surprise and great to have my aunt, Doris, and cousin, Allen, with his wife, Sally, there too. They played a wonderful DVD slideshow of photos of us getting married, having kids, and growing older to the song, “Remember When”. The colors were in Yellow and White and we got to cut the cake (which was great to taste) and actually still be able to eat it. A very nice time was had by all. Happy
Another “Papa Bob” with Ryan.

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