Memorial Weekend Memories
26/05/13 10:21 Filed in: Interests
If one cannot stay home and enjoy Memorial Day weekend with family, I believe one of the best and most special places to visit is Washington D.C. on Memorial Weekend. Watching Rolling Thunder ride into town. Well over 60,000 people on motorcycles roar onto D.C. streets. I will never forget watching these big men in leather jackets, looking tough and serious while shedding a tear at a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery. Everyone should experience Memorial Day at this hallowed area at least once. It is unforgettable. Another spot that caught my heart was then going to the World War II Memorial and reading the testimonials left behind by sons or daughters written to their beloved fathers who served in that war. In memory of what military service people mean to us, please read this story here and also watch the video here. Please consider thanking a military person for their service at the next opportunity. They deserve our respect.

Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery
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