Haunted Woods
22/07/12 20:39 Filed in: Stories
Did you ever have a “haunted woods” in your area when you were growing up? When we visited the childhood home of Lucy Maud Montgomery in Cavendish, PEI, Canada, the trail to the visitors center lead through the “haunted woods”.

I grew up in the White Oaks neighborhood in Lebanon OR. It was a pretty middle class place though considered a nice neighborhood for the town. We had “The Loop” to ride bikes around and one part was a downhill slope. Was it cool to ride down this without hands on the bars and peddles. It always seemed a long way around “The Loop” and when you are older, the size is pretty diminished.
Just off the loop was a side trail that went into “The Big Oaks”. A person really needed to ride quickly through this dark set of trees and trails since the area was sinister by all our story telling in those days. Childhood imaginations, what a great gift to our too steady lives today.

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