21/03/13 08:34 Filed in: Animal Kingdom
Is Jurassic Park right around the corner? Will they be able to bring back the Passenger Pigeon? Maybe we won’t have to angst over the loss of the Snail Darter after all? Scientists feel that they are on the verge of using DNA to revive old species who have become extinct. Check out more details here. As they say, bringing back the saber-toothed tiger might not be a good idea……..getting too close to a Sci Fi saturday night movie then.
“Genomic technology and techniques are advancing rapidly. It is becoming feasible to reconstitute the genomes of vanished species in living form, using genetic material from preserved specimens and archaeological artifacts. Some extinct species may be revivable. Ecological enrichment through species revival. …”

“Genomic technology and techniques are advancing rapidly. It is becoming feasible to reconstitute the genomes of vanished species in living form, using genetic material from preserved specimens and archaeological artifacts. Some extinct species may be revivable. Ecological enrichment through species revival. …”

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