Bigfoot and Us
28/11/12 22:02 Filed in: Interests
Bob and I went to the county Neighborhood Watch Council meeting tonight in Albany. The main topic is on disaster preparedness which we should have a reasonable background on due to Bob being part of CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Training) and we have had local training for our Berlin Community. I was able to share the Incident Response Information form I put together to collect data on who in our community can manage certain skills and has items that can be utilized in a local disaster to help all of us. The form seemed to generate interest among some in the group so I emailed it to them in electronic format.
The sergeant for the Linn County Sheriff’s Office who handles the CERT training spoke to the group. It was ironic that he showed a video out of New Zealand about the need for being rescued and you can’t expect an imaginary Yeti to show up and save you (if in the high, wild, snowy mountains). A few days before this meeting there was an article about a Texas veterinarian who feels she has confirmed that Bigfoot’s DNA merged with humans through sexual intercourse 15,000 years ago resulting in hairy hominid hybrids. Check out the article here.

The sergeant for the Linn County Sheriff’s Office who handles the CERT training spoke to the group. It was ironic that he showed a video out of New Zealand about the need for being rescued and you can’t expect an imaginary Yeti to show up and save you (if in the high, wild, snowy mountains). A few days before this meeting there was an article about a Texas veterinarian who feels she has confirmed that Bigfoot’s DNA merged with humans through sexual intercourse 15,000 years ago resulting in hairy hominid hybrids. Check out the article here.

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