07/08/12 16:31 Filed in: Animal Kingdom
It was special to be able to attend two hours of Conflict Competency with a group session lead by Jeff Thoren and Sally Stamp. I am pleased to call them friends and want to thank them for coaching me to learn more about myself and how to use conversation and coaching tools. It was interesting to see that the people I listened to in the group and in our small sessions had much the same issues as I do. What we can learn from each other!
Later, I enjoyed attending the AVMA Awards Luncheon. I had a chance to meet and interact with a number of people I know and like. Networking is rewarding and getting to know my colleagues is special. Here is a look at the “Winnie”, crystal cat award, that will go to Dr. Niels Pedersen for his awesome research work with cats.

Later, I enjoyed attending the AVMA Awards Luncheon. I had a chance to meet and interact with a number of people I know and like. Networking is rewarding and getting to know my colleagues is special. Here is a look at the “Winnie”, crystal cat award, that will go to Dr. Niels Pedersen for his awesome research work with cats.

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