Several years ago I purchased a small embroidered picture with the saying, “Every day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending”.
Life offers challenges and opportunities. You can either collapse under the weight of what is placed in your path or you can face it squarely. My joy has always been reading and learning. Many times, it is learning by doing or being self-taught. Other times, it is from observation of those “in the know” or good teachers. We have so much around us that we can share and enjoy personally and with others.
Recently, I heard of a challenge to do a blog a day, 365 days of the year, along with putting to good use the techniques of photography while blogging. I am ready to take up the challenge, put it to good use, and make a new happy ending.
I have not been able to keep up with doing this blog daily due to time constraints and technical issues. I do find this is still very worthwhile and enjoyable.